21 May 2007


Somedoggie asked where we get sunblock. We can't remember who it was. So for general information, here is what we know....

Muzzer says we usually get my sunblock from www.entirelypets.com. Also, maybe on line at Target one time. It's made by the folks who make doggles. She says the important thing is no para-aminobenzoic acids, 'cause lots of dogs are allergic. There is a brand from the UK that dad's friends send me once in a while. All of these are spray on. Muzzer thinks she read about one that is a shampoo, but we can't figure out how long that would be effective.

I don't like sunblock much, 'cause the one we get most often smells like lavendar or something girlie. But I know I need it in Azrizona. I'm thinkin I also need four small flipflops to protect my footsies.


Asta said...

FlipFlops, sunblock, doggles, and a hat, and you're ready for any beach..I bet you'd look great..I don't go out in super sunny weather,cause it gives Mommi a headache,sooooo, I guess I don't need sunblock. It's awfully nice of you to tell our pale doggie friends where to get it though

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

It's hardly ever hot enough here in the UK for sunblock! J x

Dandy Duke said...

Now that's a picture I gotta see! You in flipflops Gussie! Hurry, okay?! hehehehehe

Love ya lots,