17 June 2007

Father's Day

Dear Dad:

Thanks for Sharing

And Caring:

Taking me lots of places

Teaching me about Baseball!

Wearing the tie I picked out

And all the rest!
Happy Father's Day!


Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Hey Gus, Happy Father's Day to your Dad. Hope he enjoys his trip to the UK. Tell him it's raining! A lot! J x

Duke said...

Happy father's day to your dad Gussie! I think that's awesome that he wears the tie you picked out! yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Gussie's dad!

Love ya lots,

wally said...

Aw--what a nice post, even if you are a Cardinals fan. :) I'm a Cubs fan and this weekend they got in a fight with the OTHER team instead of with each other--that's good, right? I love the tie!


ps. We've been doing raw for a couple of months and it's nice for us. I always say, though--mom knows best! Whatever works best for you!

Joe Stains said...

happy father's day to Gus's daddy!!!!!

Asta said...

How wight you are, we're very lucky with our fabulous Dads..love his tie, you have gweat taste! Sigh, I bet you had a terrierific day together
lots of smoochie kisses

Urban Smoothie Read said...

happy father's day 2 ur daddy

ToFFee said...

Happy F-day to your Dear Daddy Gus!

I'm sure he is very teary eyed now for reading your tribute!

I'll find a matching tie for Daddy! But maybe this is for next yr or on his Birthday.. which is many many many months away!


Buster the Wired Fox Terror said...

Hey my dad has a black Ralph Lauren tie with WFTs like that! Lucky bought it for him for father's day years ago....he wears it for all special occasions (it is his only tie) and says he always feels so special with it on. Dads are the best! (hope my mom doesn't see this).

Bussie Kissies

Anonymous said...

Hi Gus,
I was checking out "dogs with blogs" and since I too am a wire fox terrier, I zeroed in on yours. When I read your Father's Day blog, my wirey eyes saw something I know quite well because my folks are, guess what, major CARDINALS FANS!!! My dad is from St. Louis. And my brother -- also a WFT but not quite as literate as I am -- and I wear our St. Louis bandanas whenever we can. We all live in Plantation, Florida, and my name is Jake. Mom'e e-mail is jdeesez@aol.com. GO CARDS!!!

Gus said...

anonymous Jake! Do you have a blog? What is your brother's name? Do you live near my pal Bussie?

I love meeting other WFT's ! Lots of us on DWB. Join soonest!


Anonymous said...

Hey Gus,
No I don't have a blog as yet, but I do sometimes keep a private diary. Mom is pretty busy writing reports for her clients and she keeps me busy pruf reding them.

Where does your friend Buster live?

My brother's name is Just Harry. He joined our family in September 2005, having been abandoned after Katrina made her debut in Florida before leaving for New Orleans.

We have lots of fun together, although he can be a literal pain in the butt when he decides to chew my tail!!


Gus said...

Anonymous....I posted my reply to the wrong thingy...Look in the one above, OK?

Anonymous said...


I read your response on the other "thingy." I think we met Buster once on our Yahoo wirefoxterrierist list. Jupiter is about 45 minutes north of our place, and Mom and Dad go up there for Cardinals spring training games. Dad graduated from Wash U, and they sponsor an alumni get-together at one of the games every year.

We also know Ozzie and Romeo from the same list. They know me and my brother as The Barkalot Boyz. Guess why!!!

But what Mom and Dad really want to know is: Do you think the Cardinals will spring to life before long??? Gus, will your folks be going to a game when you are in St. Louis? The new stadium is supposed to be great. But sadly no dawgs.

They have tickets for the Marlins/Cardinals game here at Dolphin stadium on July 16. Again, sadly, no dawgs, except for one special day which we missed.

So, do we just go to blogger.com to get set up? I've seen some pretty fancy blog pages -- how does that work?

Your new pal, Jake-nonymous

FYI: Just Harry is in the dog house. Mom bought a thin, really old book of "French Wit and Wisdom" at an antique market in Tallahassee the other day when she was up there with Dad for a friend's wedding. JH found it on the chair in the foyer and liked it so well that he chewed off the lower right hand corner -- through and through from cover to cover.

When she saw the yucky wet book on the floor in the foyer, Mom hollered and JH scooted under the breakfast room table. She never stays mad, so I guess all will be bygones in a minute or so. But there's no wit or wisdom in the book to deal with dogs who love to chew paper!

Liza said...

Gus - nice post to honor dad. Hope you are having a happy day and keeping us in the loop about your big countdown.


Gus said...

Jake: Ooh, close to Bussie and Janie and Ozzie and Romeo...you guys are gonna corner the market on Floribunda!

There are lots of ways to start a blog. My sister E.Beth gave muzzer a book called "Blogging for Dummies" for Schmauss this year. Muzzer was not impressed with it.

WWW.Blogger.com has a place on the "dashboard" that says "start a new blog" and they will walk you through it. I think you need a gmail email mail mail account account! now. And a name for the blog. But other than that, they will talk you through it.

We are on one WFT list, but think there are two on Yahoo. Bussie's muzzer is really good at this, and so is OzRomeo's mom. But our email address is on the "chatty" yahoo list if we can be of help, and there are people on DWB who will help you too.

Good luck, hope we keep hearing from you. I am writing a new post about my st.louis trip now. My human parents like the new stadium OK, but were rather fond of the old one, since part of their "courtship" took place there. They are going to games this year, as are my sisters.

I have been talking to my friend Marty about Dogs in the Park day, like they do in San Francisco and some other places, but so far, he is pretty cool. to see pictures of the new stadium, see our posts from early june last year. Muzzer is a camera fiend.


Toto said...

That is one really cool tie. Hope your Dad had a great Fathers Day! Wags and Licks, Toto

Toto said...

That is one really cool tie! I hope your Dad had a great Fathers Day! Wags and Licks, Toto