04 January 2008


You are cordially invited to join the Tempe Terrierists
for a stupendous Super Bowl Weekend !!!

Double the venue, Double the fun

Pawties and accomodations at Joey's and Gussies houses.

Entertainment provided by Teka and Tanner,

the hottest duo since Ike and Tina!

When: Starting Friday, Feb. 1 at 6:30 pm

Transportation proved by Aire Ruby

See the blog that follows for details.


Joe Stains said...

oh dog, Mom needs to start cleaning and cooking RIGHT NOW!

Sophie Brador said...

I'm not really up on American football, but I could come and just look pretty.


Frankie Girl, Maddie and Domino said...

Wow that gonna be sooooooooooome pawty!

We wanna come!

Maddie and Frankie Grrrl

Koobuss said...

Oh Boy!! I can't wait!! I will be there!! Thank You for inviting me.

Love and Koobuss Kisses,

Asta said...

Oh Gussie
may I pleez come even if i don't undewstand amewican football???
What do I have to weaw and bwing???
smoochie kisses

wally said...

Awesome! Oh I hope the Seasquawks make it to the Stupor Bowl!

I'll bring nachos and beer.


Headgirl said...

I'm deffinately in.
It may take a while to convert me to any type of football, but am willing to give it a go for a weekend away in Feb - not a great month in Dreamingspires, too grey!
I'll fly in via my broomstick, so freeing a place on Ruby-Air, especially as you just might try to put me in the hold!

Pats & pets

Snowball said...

woofie. I am looking forward to the entertainment provided by Tanner and Teka. 1 Feb seems like a long way to go. Will you be posting a reminder when the date draw nearer?

Peeesss: I am having problem with my internet connection and that is why I disappear from the chat room suddenly. I ams sorry about it.


Ruby Bleu said...

Hey Gus...
I'll get right on this...will post it on Monday, ok???

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...


Oh Man...I need to go out and hit the bush, I'm so excited!!!!! Oh wow...even if the Steelers lost, it's gonna be a fab pawty!!! A few dogaritis and we won't care who's playin'!!!!!!!!!

Mumsie put the felt trio on our desktop background. She was laughin' so hard she needed to go use the bush too!!!!! What are the chances of her groupin' the 3 of us felties in one pic?????

We're gonna go get our suitcases out and dust em' off...and think about what we wanna take....



Harry said...

I'll come along, but someone may have to explain the rules, as we mainly have soccer here (which we call football!).

Toodle pip,
Harry x

Harry said...

I'll come along, but someone may have to explain the rules, as we mainly have soccer here (which we call football!).

Toodle pip,
Harry x

the many Bs said...

hi Gus, we're not too much football fans, but are you gonna be serving hot dogs? we might join you for a little food and fun.


Anonymous said...

GUS this you won't believe...actual pictures...honest, no bull....a terrier watchs dog whisperers on tv...barlowbark.blogspot.com....this is something to tune into

Ruby Bleu said...

I posted, I posted!!!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Agatha and Archie said...

COUNT US IN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We were going to be there anyway becasue Archie helps Couch Bellichik a lot on some of the plays..We have a VERY pawsonal interest in this game!!!!!!!!!!!(They better be there!!1) Love A+A

Duke said...


Dad says that if the Giants are in the superbowl, we can't come - he'll need us at home to cheer them on! We want to pawty - we're so torn! But we have to listen to our dad!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Count me in! J x

Liza said...

OOHH I'll be there Gussie - I'll be on the plane with my beloved Patriots as they are sure to win it all.

Of course I've been trying to get the plastic away from my human to buy my tickets - she is being uncooperative.
