14 January 2008

The way we take a shower

With abject apologies to the spirit of Emily Dickinson

The way we take a shower's this
First muzzer gets undressed
And then she gets the water warm
And shouts to "Bring them on!"

I must let Teka be the first
She likes it lots, you know
She comes out smelling really nice
With fur as white as snow.

And then it's my turn,
Oh, please no!
I do not like this stuff

It makes me sneeze, it makes me cry
Please muzzer, that's enough!

But muzzer has a mean streak too
And likes me white and sunny

She says when I am nice and beige
I also smell quite funny

She scrubs and scrubs and bubbles makes
And then she rinses off
And when it gets into my nose,
It makes me gag and cough

But at the end, we each get dried
In soft and fluffy towels.
And brushed a little, but not much
And combed on cheek and jowls.

And when it's done,
We pick our treats
From muzzer's big white bag
And Teka looks for something sweet
And I try not to brag

About how good I was today
And what a brave, big boy
I think that I should get a lovely
Snack, or just a toy!

We did this all for Stanley's mom
Who likes to see me fluffy
So here I stand all white and clean
And looking like a stuffie!


Wired for Mackie said...

Nice poem buddy! You are so talented! Shame you don't like your baths- I sure do! Mom says- "Mackie, do you want a bath?" and go go running up the stairs and hop into the bathtub! I lke to play with the water and besides, I get lots of kissies when I'm all clean too!!!

Your pal, Mackie

Asta said...

Stanley's giwl is not the only one who likes you white and fluffy!!! I get all weak at the knees when I see youw cuwly whites and so does Mommi you cewtainly desewve a tweat ow two and Muzzew too fow hew poetwy and even sweet smelling Teka toy
Thank you..I needed to see a post like that
smoochie kisses

Harry said...

I too am big and fluffy at present Gus. I very much enjoyed your poem, and at least there wasn't any photo evidence of you looking too wet and bedragggled.

Toodle pip,
Harry x

Duke said...

We love your poem and look how squeaky clean you are, Gussie! I bet Teka smells pretty good too!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Gus...u are the poet even if ya don't knowit!!!

I detest bathies too...I'm past the point of biting Mumsie, but I just stand there like a sheep and look miserable. (Do sheep always look miserable?) Lacie loves hers and Babystan looks bored. He's blowin' his puppy coat and blew his wet fur ALL over the bathroom walls this week where it STUCK. Looked like new Dale fur wallpaper.

Bet u got lotsa kissies when you were all clean!

Wiry regards..

Lenny said...

Looking very clean and handsome, Gus! I fear it is my turn for a bath tonight.

Your friend, Lenny

Daniella said...

Can you muzzer please tell my muzzer how she prevents you from escaping out the shower? Do you have a door that shuts or a curtain? My mom can't imagine showering with me. I like to bath, just last night I hopped in while Mom was in there. I was nice and warm and I drank a few gallons of the bath water!

Patience-please said...

Don't you guys (well, Teka's a gal, but generically speaking guys)love to run crazy zoomies all over the house creating Havoc when you survive a B-A-T-H??? Ha ha ha you should see it when the nine of us go wacko! Havoc Havoc Havoc!
We love your muzzer's poetry so much!

wags from the whippets

wally said...

Hey Gus, you should be poet laureate. And also bath laureate because you look quite lovely post-bathing.


Asta said...

I'd miss you and Muzzew way to much to leave...I love you
smoochie kisses

MJ's doghouse said...

my mom says i am just to precious for her to bath so she takes me to the doggy spa....they lift me into a huge tub...and when i come out and i am so soft and shiney...sometimes they do my nails too...i want mom to paint them pink but dad wont let them...darn...you are both very pretty now.....

Joe Stains said...

What a great poem, even if it is about a stinkin bath. Mom gives tanner a shower like this but I REFUSE to be showered like this, I like the tub and I don't want anyone else in there with me, I have my dignity! I am sorry you guys were tortured like this. Its ok about Teka making comments, but now that Tanner knows how to ride the bus you may want to watch your doorstep.

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Oh you doggies look like you're having a pawsome time taking baths

~ Girl girl

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Hey Gus, it's hard work being handsome, right? We have to suffer for beauty. J x

Stanley said...


You should definitely NOT encourage my girl's doggie crushes, but I appreciate the torture you went through for such a lovely gesture.

Goober love,

Here's my girl ~

Sweet Woolly Gussie Boy! If I could, I would crawl right through this computer, gather you onto my lap, and give you scritches galore and kisses on your punkin head! I would also be hoping the whole time that I might get a little snuggle or love nibble from you! Good thing we don't live close to you, or you would probably be bald from all the hugging I'd be doing on you.

Lisa (Stanley's girl)

Maya and Kena said...

Great poem!!
Hee hee... we just got a shower yesterday!
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena

Koobuss said...

I loved the poem and your description of a bath. Maybe it's not so bad after all. I think I'm about to find out soon enough.

Love and Koobuss Kisses,

pee ess I love reading Muzzer's poems!