Here are the RULES:
1. Grab the nearest book of 123 pages or more.
2. Open it to page 123.
3. Find the first 5 sentences and write them down.
4. Then invite 5 friends to do the same.
We chose this book for two reasons:
1. My current book is Pokey Little Puppy. It does not have 123 pages.
2. This tag was started by our hooman friend Blue, who lives in the UK. Ruth Rendell is a British writer. It seemed appropriate somehow.
So. The title of our book is Not in the Flesh, written by Ruth Rendell. It is one of a series featuring Chief Inspector Wexford and his pals at the Kingsmarkham Police Force. Here are the first five sentences from page 123
"Old and lonely, she was relishing pouring out her memories to a sympathetic ear. There could be, when he chose, something in Wexford's manner that invited confidences from those who had little opportunity to air their miseries and their grievances. During a quarrel over their respective lifestyles, his daughter Sylvia had said to him. 'You ought to have been a bloody psychotherapist.'
'Well, it looks as if you were successsful as permission was refused.' he said. 'Did anyone else go in there?' "
Muzzer says it is a great book, she highly recommends it, and if she can wrench it away from Dad, she will send it out on loan upon request, since it is currently only available in the UK. US publication is sometime early this summer.
Now, we are s'posed to tag five more people:
We tag: Scruffie, Lacey and Stan
Axel and his Mom
The Whippets and their servant
Joey and Doofus and their mom (we want to know what cook book is good!)
Ivy and BP and their humans. (hmmmm...prolly about human pups)
Thank you all
The Pokey Little Puppy book sounds so much better to us! Maybe you could invent pages!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
This is very exciting, as our servant has not read Ruth Rendell, and feels suddenly deprived and is rushing to the library tomorrow or Amazon.com. We will post ours tomorrow and thank you very much for thinking of us..
wags from the whippets
Mom is reading a wine book, a novel and a cookbook at any given time, I will make her choose from the cook book.
We have not read anything by that lady, but Mom will add her to her book list!!
Is your mama a big Anglophile? I have a sneaking suspicion she is.
Thanks for sharing, man.
Goober love,
Heheheh..Mommi loves Inspectow Wexlew and co. but she hasn't seen that one yet..we make weekly twips to the mystewy book stowe in ouw neighbowhood and they always give me cookies...
thanks fow visiting Jan's Funy Fawm, they need it!
if you need mowe dwinkables ow salami ow cheese , just come take them fwom me..I have tons
smoochie kisses
Hi Gus
Great to see your Mum enjoys a good read from a UK author. But then we are an itsy bit biased. LOL
MOlly and TAffy
PL2 has already read that one(she gets all of the Brit mysteries early too!!!! she says to tell you IT IS GREAAT!!!!We were kind of hoping for the poky puppy too but....Love A+A
My mom says she would love to chat with someone about books. She loves to read.
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