The favorite candidate and leading by a large margin is the lovely Miss Snickers.
She is a super duper wirey girl and my best and sweetest squeeze. However...she did not send me my bowl.
And neither did Joe Stains, the barkey boys, or any of the others guessed by my audience.
The person who sent my lovely bowl is my lovely sister E.Rabbit.
Thank you very much E.Rabbit. You may be getting old in people years, but you will always be a pup to me!
It is love Gussie...only love !
Kisses, Faya
dang, I thought for sure I might be right!!! that e.rabbit sure is nice!
Now what didn't we think of E.Rabbit?! She has great taste, Gussie!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
How nice it is to be loved! Enjoy using your new bowl Gus, may it overflow with food.
Toodle pip
Harry x
watch out e-bit you are growing furballs!
Bussie Kissies
Hi Gussie!
That is such a lovely photo of you & E.Rabbit.
Glad your lilac survives the desert heat, I love the smell. It won't be out in flower here till May time. I always for get your in the warm bit of the States - sorry!
Love, pats & pets
What a nice sister E.Rabbit is.
Oh Gussie,We LOVE that has to be the cutest ever(and you have a lot of cute ones!) Love A+A
Wow, you are so lucky to have an E.Rabbit! She sounds like a fun person. :)
William Tell
Oh we've missed so dog gone much. What a SWEET picture of you and your E. Rabbit and we saw Teka too. Our servant seems to be back with the program now FINALLY. Good grief.
wags from the missing whippets
Ahhh, Gussie.
The women ALL love ya. What can you do but allow them to.
By the way, we DID get that special bum shot of you, and my girl wants to have it framed (but I'm not letting her). She's WAY gone over you, buddy.
Tell E. Rabbit we love her because she loves you so well. Sounds like you two have a lot of shared history together. I can see why she's one of your fave hoomans.
Goober love to you, Teka, and especially your sweet mama,
aaaww presents are always good, and friends even better. Its a fab bowl too.. kinda funky!
Ben xxxx
Yay! Way to go E.Rabbit! And old people aren't so bad. I tolerate my ma ape.
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