There are two sets of packing boxes littering our house this week.
These belong to E.Beth

Today, Teka and

I have been helping her pack.
Muzzer says we are not much help,
but we prefer to think that we choose our jobs carefully.

We are also helping Muzzer. More pictures later this weekend.
Gee Gus...looks like yer gettin' ready ta move....no fun, packin' at all....but make sure that all yer toys get in the boxes...ya wouldn't want ta get ta yer new place without 'em....that would be a disaster...you and Teka 'n no toys......gee whizz....that would be a bummer...
Dewey Dewster here...
I wouldn't help...never. I am to afraid to be wedged (coincée) in a bag...
Kisses, Faya
I'm sure E.Beth & Muzzer need all the help you two can give them.
Seriously hope alls going to plan re the move.
Pats & pets
Uh oh, better keep a close watch on all your favorite things to be sure they get to the right place!!!
Helping our humans get ready for a trip is one of the things we wires do best, huh?? And a move? Even better!!
If we were closer, be sure we'd be right over to help!!!
Lovin' wirey woofs,
Jake and Just Harry
terriers make the best helpers, the humans just don't realize it. I hope you get rewarded for your help and for your enthusiasm!
Hey looks like you're doing a fine job to me. Helping out whenever possible is a hard job for a wire. But you did a better job than Romeo who laid in one of the boxes while mom and dad were packing up. That didn't go over so well. Good luck with the packing and the moving.
It looks like you guys are doing a fine job! Packing is hard work! Are you getting enough cookie rewards?!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Really what better help could Muzzer ask for?? Just be carefull you don't get packed in the box by mistake Love A+A
I love to help my mom, too. I just helped do yard work this afternoon and I'm so tired.
I've never moved but old Nathan told me once that he and my grandpa Joey were pretty worried when they moved to this house that maybe the people would forget to bring them!
Better keep a keen eye on those humans ---
My girl is nudging me to type "MORE PHOTOS! MORE PHOTOS!!" She can never get enough of all that Gussiness! GADS! She's a crazy girl, let me tell you.
I think it is commendable that you're helping E. Beth with her packing. SOMEone has to supervise the hoomans.
Goober love & smooches,
Packing to move is no fun at all! Make sure you don't forget any of your toys! Mom keeps saying they need to PRETEND we are moving so she will throw some stuff away. We hope your move goes smoothly!
Poppy & Penny
Crap, Gus...ya had the chance...tell Teka...TREAT...allow the natural course of things to happen...Teka jumps into box... AND have a Tekabreak for a couple of weeks....ya missed that golden door of opportunity, Man!!!
Lacie is still fannin' herself from dancin' with ya Gussie...I don't think anybody else was dancin' but ya know how Lac is....good thing Miss Snickers chose that moment to grab another drinkie from the bar....
Wiry barks,
Gus! Are you leaving? Where are you going? Do they have lots of dog toys and treats where you are going?
Mr. T-Bone Beasley
Hey pal, I'm guessing that packing is kinda dull. But if you find treats in the packing cases that must help spur you all on. Hope the big move goes well! J x
Gussie, I hear they have bbq basted stuffie toys in maym-face.
Bussie Kissies
Well, we KNOW all about the NIGHTMARE of moving, but really it's just because the humans have such a hard time. We didnt mind our move at all, and boy oh boy was it a big change. From our horse farm to a corner city lot!!! We're excited that you will be closer!
wags from the whippets
no fun packing, but don't the dogs like to play in the boxes, I know mine do
Gussie and Muzzew,
I went ovew to auntie Kawen's yestewday, and am going again tomowwow..you gave wondewful advice..I let hew tell me evewything ..I just listened and kissed hew..I hope I helped
love and smoochie kisses,ASTA
Hey Gussie,
We read your beautiful words on Asta's blog and were touched by them. And she was too.
You are a very talented -- and sensitive -- terrier
Jake and Just Harry
Are you finished packing YET???
I am blushing like mad...blush,blush
It suwe is nice..I wemembew how nice you looked in youw lei and the lei you sent me fwom snickers' pawty..it shouldbe ouw official festive outfit.
I hope you have a wealxing weekend, not all wowk!!!
ouw love to Muzzer and youw Dadand Teka too
smoochie kisses,
Good job with the helping! I like to help pack by crawling into the suitcases and making nests out of the newly packed clothing.
Is that a prom picture I see in that box? My ma ape is embarrassed by hers but since it was taken in the last century she should be. And she wore Birkenstocks. And it was the last time she wore makeup. Um, yeah.
You and Teka are performing a very valuable service, Gussie. Everything has got to be inspected first. I hope all your work is appreciated.
Moving is very difficult. When I moved in here I had to bring everything I owned, since there was no going back. I had to remember my kollar with a bell on it, my leash, and some puppy food. Fortunately, the people here had all the other stuff I needed, like treats and toys and a bed. I'm sure that if you forget anything like treats and toys and your beds, that you will be able to get new stuff in your new town. But still, you have your favorites, and you don't want to forget any of them.
Good luck, guys!! Will check back with you in a couple of days to see how you are doing.
Love and Koobuss Kisses,
Pawsome job doing all that supervising Gus. Make sure your bowls are the last thing packed so the first out the other end.
Wags, Eric
Gussie Man!
You and Teka are invaluable in the packing process, as we can all see. I think that prom photo is a great sneak peek at E. Beth's past life. (Did she go to prom with a pirate?)
Just be sure that E.Beth doesn't try to sneak off with any of your valuable squeakies or stuffies.
Goober love & smooches,
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