29 May 2008

Prayers Please

Everydog, Kitty and Hamster please pray for Asta (NY)'s Daddi George.
He is ill and in the hospital
thank you


Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Gus....we've been prayin' all day for Asta's Daddy...Mumsie talked to her mom this morning and she's pretty worried bout him....

Also Hercules Mom is askin' for good thoughts and prayers for young Hercules...see our blog...he has liver toxicity...at vets all day today.

Thanks, Gus...love you...


Eric said...

Gus, me and Mom are praying for Asta's Pop and for them all plus sending loving thoughts.

Eric x

Duke said...

We thought about Asta's daddi all day yesterday and we'll continue to do so today. He's just the nicest man! We love Asta's daddi!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Jake of Florida said...

Hi Gussie,

We've been to Asta's blog several times to see how things are going with her daddi. Thanks for the tip.

We're off to camp tomorrow and Mom and Dogdad are off to San Francisco. But we'll stay in touch through our special bird-watch technology!!!

Happy packing!!

Lots of love,

Jake and Just Harry

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Hey Gus, yes, we've been crossing our paws for him. J x