And now, Ruby and her mom are planning a special anniversary trip, with stops all over the place. I am trying to convince her to let the whole gang stop by Mayemphis. After we rest a bit at my new digs (less than fifteen minutes from the airport, where we can make arrangements for Ruby to use the Fed Ex runways) we can pile into the gussimobile and go to visit

I am sure that some of the girl dogs will want to see Elvis' memorial stone, and the jungle room and all kinds of other stuff, including cars and airplanes! Sort of boring to see planes if you are Ruby and doing all that flying, but we know that the accommodations on Aire Ruby are far superior to what Mr. Presley enjoyed.
Anyway, I know that Miss Snickers will be here, I am hoping that she just hangs around after my recovery period so we can have some quality time together. And I figure if we have a plug for the blender, the nursies will either hang in there or come right back. And Teka is on the phone now calling the whippets to see if Swede William and the gang want to meet us here, or if they want Aire Ruby to stop and pick them up.
Looking forward to seeing all of you! Everybody bring gold cards so we can buy a lot of tacky souvenirs.
Gussie...wow...Meamphis sure looks like a lot of fun!!! Now, take it easy this weekend...are you going to Vegas with the boyz? Hmm...moderation, Gus...moderation.
Yes...Stan is in for it for sure...going to be a very long weekend for whomever is wearing the latex gloves!!!!!
Kissies, Sweet Gus!
OH! We want to come!!! We've been reading about pawtastic AireRuby all this time. Do you think she would come to Texas to get us?! Mom's been to Memphis several times and loves it. But Scooter and I have never been!!! Now that we have a bloggy can we come? I can't wait!!!
Hey,hey,hey! Me too,me too. Sunny always thinks she gets to do everything first. She tries to be the boss of me ppfft. Anyway, me too,me too! please.
ps is passing gas allowed on the plane? cuz that happens to me alot. (Mom said I hadda ask that-jeez)
Just wonderin', have you seen Elvis yet?
I've given you an award, Gus, for having such an entertaining and informative blog. We love checking it out! See my blog for details.
Happy Tails,
William Tell
Look at that riff-raff roaming in Memphis!
How does Aire Ruby afford the gas, I wonder? Perhaps she's found a way to convert cats into energy?
wally t.
There will be NO Peemail at the memorial, like Elvis or not.
Gussie! Arranging another mega doggie gathering - u r amazing!
I have one of those things too - a se bay shus sis - I get to keep mine though!
Bussie Kissies
Hey Gus, sounds like it'll be a pawsome trip!
Hehehe, those hardened criminals look suspiciously like Muzzer and your dad! J x
Should we just plan to stay??? When is the Aire Ruby tour?
Jake and Just Harry
I definitely want to hang out there, it looks fun! We can't believe its been a year since the first Aire Ruby flight! Time flies when you are having fun!
Archie says that the FRIED PICKLES sounds right up his alley,but I don't think you should be eating any Gussie pre op.....And in Vegas? Well I gues what happens in Vegas can stay in Vegas..Love A+A
what great fun.
good luck tomorrow gussie - we will be thinking of you and wishing you well. lots of love and big sloppy licks :)
How could I not stick awound aftew youw suwgewy?(btw..did you get the pic I sent you??)
Mayemphiss looks like a ball..we have hawdened cwiminals that go in similaw showt ,tall paiws hewe in NY too..do you think they'we pawt of a gang??hehehe
smoochie kisses
don't be sad about Wodney..he's going to a bette place, hehe
Gussie...where the heck is ur chat box???
Now...calm down...we nurses will have everything under control...I'll be there at dinnertime...just need time to shower, change and put on a freshly starched uniform....
Steak and baked potatos for you tonight!!!
Love you lots...
hi Gus, your town doesn't look like a dog park at all. it looks more like a human kind of place. that's okay, as long as we can run and play somewhere.
we heard you were having an operation on your rodney. we know Snickers will take excellent care of you. she is a professional nurse, you know, and has a pink hat to prove it. we just wanted to say good luck and all that. we're pawing for you and sending you the power of the Bs for a speedy recovery.
Aw, Gussie!
Have you said all of your good-byes to Rodney? Is he prepared for the next step of his journey? We here in GooberStan have been thinking of you both, and hoping that your last weekend together was a BLAST!
I'm totally up for the post surgery party! Stella suggested we do a pre surgery party too, but I reminded her that you wouldn't be able to imbibe and that it would be just plain cruel to do so in front of you. So, we're going to have the preparty in your backyard.
That couple looks suspiciously like relatives of yours. Either way you slice it, though, they look a little TOO tough for my tastes.
Get some rest, man! You're gonna need it (and I'm not talking about your surger either)!
Goober love & healing goob smooches,
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