While I am in England quietly celebrating Jackson's birthay/release day, I have asked Muzzer to post some fuzzy pictures for Stanley's girl and Miss Lacie. For some reason, both of them seem to like me furrier rather than wirey sleek and handsome. So...exspecially for them:
Fuzzy Me with Fuzzy Feet
Love and slurpy kisses
Oh Gussie
You should have incloodedme in that list of youwfuzzamiwewews..I'm swooning looking at those pictoowes....is it hot in hewe??
be still my heawt
smoochie kisses
And of course for Asta and Miss S, and anyone else who wants to look.
Hi, Gus!
I enjoyed your pictures too!
Kisses and hugs
We love all of your fuzzy curls, Gussie! You're just too handsome for words!
We tagged you and Teka to tell us your quirks!
Check out our blog!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
I likes you fuzzy and handsome or sleek and handsome. Either way - you're handsome.
Wags, Eric
Fuzzy is as fuzzy wuz.
Do we suspect a fuzz removal is in the offing?
We've just been through it, pal, and extend our sympawthy/
Jake and Just Harry
Where do they get perm curlers that small?? LOL
Hey Gus, tell Muzzer that curls are in this year and that way you might avoid a trip to the groomers! J x
I'm pretty curlie too Gus.
Alright Gussie!
Look. I understand you wanted to be kind and show your fuzzbutt et al to my girl, but this has gone a bit far! You really shouldn't encourage her obssession this way. She's TOTALLY off her rocker in love with your fuzzy self. She can't stop talking about you. Sheesh.
I know, we can't hate you because you're a gorgeous hunk of wirey fuzz, but be a little more careful with the photos next time. My girl can take her Gussie only IN MODERATION.
Goober love,
Holy fuzz ball Gussie! You're almost curly. I'm kind of liking this look on you.
Hi my fuzzy ctey fwiend..the violet colow on my bloggie was just fow the memowial fow the little Spwout called Violet..I'm back to my own again..I like that colow, but it's too hawd to wead fow some hoomans
smoochie kisses
Oh Gussie...OH MY!!
I am breathless! I heard Scruffy and Stan in here screechin' that I had to look at ur blog...OH MY!!
Your curls...
Your fuzzie butt...
Ur adorable saddle...
It's too much...(Lacie begins fanning herself rapidly to no avail. Scruffy comes over and dumps a bowl of water on her. A fight ensues.)
Sputter...blick...that brother of mine!
Oh Gussie....HOT!!!!!!!!!
Steamin' barks...Lacie
You're a fuzzy wuzzy bear Gussie!
Cassidy x
Hello Gus!
I think your fuzzies are are so adorable! You certainly are a handsome boy!
Winnie :-)
Fear not, Gussie...my comments shall go on unchanged!! Ur posterior is waaaaaaaay too cute to ignore!!
Sassy Barks!!
I'm in for Janet!!
My mom thinks they're going to pull a big surprise VP choice so maybe it will happen!
Extreeeeeeeeeeeeme close-ups! Your curlies are nice. All of us have straight hair, other than the ma ape. Maybe she's part terrier?
Jan-et, Jan-et! I'd be all for her. Woot! But I don't know--it's a risky ticket!
wally t.
my mom loves your fuzzy feet.
Gussie, bro, I didn't know that you have a tumor to be removed. What a bummer. When are you having surgery? Mom says we are gonna pray a lot for you. Seems many of us wires are sick these day, huh?
Mom said she loved the fuzzy pics cause you and me look just alike!
Hugs and prayers coming your way!
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