24 September 2008

Rest in Peace, Little Man

Deetz's brother Gizmo went to the bridge yestereday.

Deetzy and his mom and dad are very sad today.

If you have time, drop by and leave them some virtual hugs please.

Thank you.


BenTheRotti said...

We just got back from there, we are soooo sad today. We broke our promise too.. eye leakage all over the place :(

Ben x

Deetz said...

Thank you so much Gus and your family for just being there for us in this sad time. My mum said she wasn't going to leak or cry, but I will tell you a secret....she is.
She just read also that Simon from the Fleasgang has crossed too...hopefully Gizmo and Simon find each other. Thank you again my friends
Deetz and Family

Asta said...

I was vewy sad fow Deetzy and his family, but just know that little Gizmo is happily eating and playing ovew the bwidge, and that makes it a little bettew
smoochie kisses

the many Bs said...

we are sad about little Gizmo too. he was a great dog. he had a long and happy life and was loved very much. we think he is peaceful at the bridge now and meeting up with all of his friends up there.


Abby said...

Hi, Gussie...

Yes, a very sad day, indeed...

We're sure our little friend, Gizmo is running & playing & eating anything he wants at the Bridge...

We send our love & prayers to Deetzy & his Mom & Dad...

Abby xxxooo

Duke said...

Our hearts go out to Deetz and his family! Gizmo will be missed for a very long time!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Abby said...

Hi, Gussie...

I gave you an Award...Stop by when you get a minute & pick it up...

Abby xxxooo

wally said...

Sad news on DWB lately, eh? Bad news seems to come in bunches.

wally t.

ps. My ma ape is enjoying the irony of Mississippi fighting the war of Northern Aggression against John McCain and embracing that Irish/Kenyan guy.

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

We stopped by too Gussie...we're tryin' to keep our chinnies up cuz Giz woulda wanted us too...

How's Teka, Gus??

We haven't heard any of her exploits lately!!

Love ya lots...Laciegirl

Pee Ess..BTW....I read on someone's bloggie bout you givin' stellar examples of how boy dogs should speak bout girl dogs and you listed ARCHIE???!!! Arch doesn't speak...he um er well STAMMERS.....and usually passes out. Just an observation from the female side.

Joe Stains said...

Its a sad time around the DWB world :(

Eduardo said...

We have been praying for Deetz & Family! So sad...
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle

Asta said...

Eeek, Gussie
I didn't know it was a blundewbuss.that sounds scaiwy....
.and I suwe don't know what to do wif it..I thought it was a pwesent, awwwwwww
smoochie kisses
Asta the piwate

William Tell said...

It's very sad to lose a special friend like that. Our hearts go out to the family.

William Tell

Stanley said...

Hey, Gussie.

We're bummed about Gizzy and all of our other pup friends who just crossed over the Bridge, but at least they didn't go alone.

Thanks for the photo of the GizBoy!

Goober love & smooches,

Asta said...

did you see Snickers?isn't she the bomb?
I wish you would wecowd Muzzew singing those songs, so I could dance to them.
Hope you'we haveing a swell weekend
smoochie kisses

Abby said...

Hi, again, Gussie...

Stop by my Blog when you get a minute to find out about Autobiography Week...

Abby xxxooo

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

G u s s i e....did you say we were hot??? Hmm...I thought I read that somewhere....

Miss Snickers was divine, I have to admit...that bartender bout broke his backie waitin' on her...she gives the most knowing looks....u surely know how to pick em Gussie...

Hugs to Teka and Muzzer....

Love and kissies...Laciegirl

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Does "mature" mean well...mature...or OLD?

Sunny,Scooter, (sometimes Jamie) said...

hay gus an teka,hay gus an teka, pleez cum ofer to th blog an pick u out a ward. this wil b hiztury! nver ben done! cool,hu? DWB hiztury and scooter thot of it. mazin.(That is whut sunny sez) I fink i wil get mom to bronz or frame..whutever u do to thos word u left erlier.
so we all want u to pick won an u did not git the furst won we gave u.(we mayb did sumpthin wrong,dunno) git this won,K??????
c wut tim it is? i got hur up! hhehehehe i craack myself up!! sheez ben back wakw fer bowt 2 howers now! i am gud!
Just tell us which ward u decide on. im nozey!
Hi 5s

Abby said...

Hi, Gussie...

Hey...About the Autobiography Week...

Even if you were a little older when you got your Furever Home, we hope you will share your story with us, too...

Abby xxxooo

Asta said...

I cannot tell a lie.
Mommi and I awe a little scawed of ouw baby sitting dooties, but I'm suwe it will wowk out and be fun too
smoochie kisses

Mango the Maltese kiddo said...

How're you Gussie?
The incision healed as well as new?
You're a good friend to everybody, I love you.