20 October 2008

call from our vet

Well, if that doesn't beat all!

We just had a call from the vet place. They wanted to let us know that Teka has company!

Seems they heard scratching at the kennel door, and went back to check.

They were greeted by "a very Sweet whippet" who came in and proceeded to charm the staff and doctors. I explained that he is a very "Swede" whippet, and outlined the relationship. They are happy to have him visiting, and they say Teka is much quieter when he is near her, so the two of them now have pretty much the run of the kennel area, and have made themselves at home.

The staff mentioned that the Swedish meatballs were delicious, but they are not sure Teka should be drinking whatever it is in that glass.



Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Does that mean Teka's feeling better? Sure hope so! J x

Ruby Bleu said...

Oh I'm so glad she has some company...is she feeling better?

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Lindsay said...

I hope Teka is feeling better, too! And I hope that what's in the glass isn't one of Asta's smoothies...!

Brown dog kisses,

Sunny,Scooter, (sometimes Jamie) said...

Oh my!! Looks like Teka may be on the mend!
We have the butterfly(or flutterby) award for you at our place, ok?

Asta said...

This is a gweat sign Gussie...I know Sweed William will make hew well in no time...sighhhhh..I love love
smoochie kisses

Peanut said...

Ah well if it will make Teka better faster then it's all good

Joe Stains said...

Oh dear, sounds like trouble at the vet! I bet William is taking good care of her though.

Anonymous said...

Beer and Swedish Meatball, yeah, that'll fix everything. Why not add some ribs with lotsa spicey BBQ sauce.

Anonymous said...

Beer and Swedish Meatball, yeah, that'll fix everything. Why not add some ribs with lotsa spicey BBQ sauce.