27 November 2008

Happy ThanksgivingGUSTEKA

and TONY



Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

We're first???

Tony's suntan is lookin' a lot better than our raw bird...and it is 2PM...Mumsie better get busy!

Happy Thanksgiving back at ya!!

And we did NOT just stick Lacie's head on a random turkey...that odd bird was seen in our yardie this mornin'...

R i g h t....

OOPS...here the blender goin'...

Holiday Barks!!!

Scuffy, Lacie and Stan

Duke said...

Hey, we have a Tony at our house too! hehehehe
Happy Thanksgiving, Gussie, Teka and Muzzer!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Mango the Maltese kiddo said...

Happy Thanksgiving to my adorable friends.
I'm blessed to have friends like you and I'm so thankful for that.

The Musketeers said...

mm ! That turkey looks yummy !
HAppy Thanksgiving :D

wally said...

You baked Tony Scalia? Awesome! I bet he tastes bitter, though.

Happy Turkey Day!! We had Quayle with Sweet Potatoe.

wally t.

Patience-please said...

Oh, we would sure like to meet Tony up close and personal. or Turkonal. just up close.

Happy Thanks giving to youoooooo.

wags from the whippets

Lorenza said...

I hope you all had a pawesome Thanksgiving Day... Tony included!
Kisses and hugs

Eduardo said...

Ooooh Tony looks delish! Happy Thanksgiving!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle

Lindsay said...

Happy Thanksgiving, Gussie and Teka!

We had no turkey today. The Girl says that we had our (Canadian) Thanksgiving in October. I don't see why that has anything to do with turkey, though.

Brown dog kisses,

Stanley said...

Hey, Gussie & Teka!

Extra juicy goob smooches coming at ya because we love you guys (and of course, Muzzer) and are thankful for ya!

I'm wondering... any chance I could get personally acquainted with Tony? He looks delicious.

Goober love & smooches,

Cassidy said...

Mmmmy, that Tony turkey looks tasty!

Cassidy x

Princess Patches said...

We hope you had a pawsome Thanksgiving! We each had 3 little bites of turkey so we were happy campers! We don't know what nationality our turkey was, but it was very yummy! We think we will probably be eating it for about a week!

Poppy, Penny & Patches

Abby said...

Hi, Gussie...

Did they share Tony with you?

Abby xxooo

Jake of Florida said...

Ok, we are thankful for friends who name their turkeys -- two Thanksgivings ago we had one turkey named Bob, and -- because we were afraid we'd not have enough -- we also cooked a turkey breast, named Beverly.

No particular ethnicity involved -- just they looked like a Bob and a Beverly.

This year we had the Barefoot Contessa's "Roast Turkey Breast Roulade" -- and that was enough of a name for any bird!! We heard it was yummy but never got to sample because of the seasonings. Drat. Give us Beverly and Bob any old day.

Wirey love!!!

Jake and Just Harry

Koobuss said...

Oh boy!!

Tony looks so handsome, I could just eat him. It's strange though. I thought all turkeys were named Tom. That's why I get confused about Thanksgiving.

Gus, you and Teka look real good, too, but not good enough to eat. Aren't you glad!! hehe

Love and Koobuss Kisses,

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Now Gussie...it's sweet of you to fear for my health on this Boston date...but not to worry...why just the other day on our first AM trip to the yardie, I singlepawedly flipped Stan on his head...he was nippin' at me before my coffee (big dumb dale) and I took a flyin' leap and he did a backwards sommersault. Mumsie said somethin' bout that's why she has dogs...when they can get a belly laugh outta her before breakfast, they're all keepers!

Mango deserves payback, Gus...a girl just can't let herself be insulted on the size of her derriere...I'm sure Teka understands...


JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

Nice to meet you! Hope you had a great Thanksgiving with Tony.
--JB, Misty, PooPoo and Bear

Sunny,Scooter, (sometimes Jamie) said...

Tony looks very deelish. Our Mom has no imagination-our turkeys are always named Tom. We hope y'all both had some bites of that dude!

the many Bs said...

we can't believe you named your turkey. did Tony taste good?


Joe Stains said...

Thank you for the wonderful song on my blog, you guys are the best. Ok that Turkey is the BEST but you guys are pretty awesome :)

Asta said...

Gussie and Teka
tony suwe looks gweat..did you eat evewy mowsel???
I miss you guys..I'm still hewe in NC
Hope to get home toosday..I have lots of show and tell, heheh
love and smoochie kisses

Eric said...

HAAAaaaa! We name out turkeys too!! But Tony.Nice name but doesn't sound very eeeetalian...was he half eeetlain? Did you have him basted in olive oilio wrapped in parma ham with a a few shaving of fresh parmesan on top? Mwahhhh...bene....

Wags, Eric x x x

Miss Sophie said...

Tony was Italian? My sister is Italian, she mumbled something about salami?
Hope you had a great thanks giving!

Anonymous said...

Man, that is a good looking turkey! Did you guys get to eat it?

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

wow! Tony is (or was!) looking so good.

We are getting our own very soon, for Christmas.


Marvin xxxx

Lenny said...

Happy Thanksgiving Gus and Teka!

Your friend, Lenny

Par said...

Yummie turkey there!

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

We're thinkin' ur turkey is um well EATEN by now...it's safer NOT to name them...ya sorta get attached to em...

So Gus..you all ready for the holidays?? Shoppin' done? Pressies wrapped?

Um...we're not!


Asta said...

Gussie and Teka
I hope youw Thanksgiving was as nice as mine..I missed you toooooo..I suwe wish you lived lots closew ow that we had a caw ow something to come see you
love and smoochie kisses