04 November 2008

special treats for a special day

These are the treats that my Sissie E.Rabbit sent me from Dee See
They came in a box with the late, lamented Lame Duck.
May he rest in pieces.
They are from a place called Capitol Dog Bakery (www.capitoldog.com)
And they also come in elephants, which might be fun to munch also.
Here, silly muzzer has arranged them on a blue place mat, with eight
tiny donkeys (for eight years, we hope!) arranged around the baggie.
Silly Muzzer. Me and Teka will eat them right out of the bag.
No need to make them look good, they taste yummy.
Anyway, these have been our treats all day.
Now, however, muzzer is making us wait until CNN or NPR projects
a state for Barack Obama. Then, and only then, do we get a cookie.
Seems not quite fair. Why should we have to wait?
We want to celebrate NOW!
Anyway, we figure we will finish the bag tonight.
And we hope that is not just wishful thinking.
kisses to all of you
regardless of pawty
Gussie n Teka


Ruby Bleu said...

I sure hope you get to eats lots and lots of those little donkey cookies!!!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Duke said...

We're guessing the bag is empty by now! Congratulations to Barack Obama!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Peanut said...

You got lots of them. Lots and Lots. WOO HOO

The Black and Tans. said...

They looked so yummy. You must have had them all surely????

Jake of Florida said...

Yay!! We took the "duh" out of Florida!!!!!

The woofs at our house at 11:00 pm when MSNBC called the election must have made it all the way to Mayemphis!!!

Munch away, good pals!!

And kudos to muzzer for all she did to get out the vote. That is ginormous!!

Jake and Just Harry

Lindsay said...

Yum, those cookies look good! Hope you two didn't get a stomach ache from all the cookies you got to eat!

Brown dog kisses,

Eduardo said...

Ooooooh Gussie those look good!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle

wally said...

You guys must hve gotten STUFFED. Did you get one today when they declared North Carolina--the state that elected Jesse Helms--for Obama?

wally t.

Eric said...

Boy, I bet you got them ALL didn't you? I was barking you all on your side of the pond. What a pawsome day.

Maybe muzzer could do with a nice silver tiered cake stand and a few nice doiyles for Christmas? Wags, Eric x

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Is the packet empty now? Hope so! J x

Anonymous said...

Hey Gus,
Eat them while you've got 'em. Pretty soon you'll have to share them with all the other dogs in the country cuz we reap what we sow.