05 December 2008

St. Nicholas Day

December 6 is St. Nicholas day, and we celebrate it in our house in much the same way that muzzer did when she was a little girl.

Me and Teka borrow a stocking from Dad, (his are bigger, ya know?)
and put them on the mantel. Tomorrow morning when we get back from walkies, we will have some treats, maybe a bully stick, maybe a new kong or chew toy.

So for us, St. Nicholas is the start of the holiday. Muzzer has transferred the Christmas dishes to the kitchen cupboard, and the house will start to smell pretty good soon.

Here is my carol for St. Nicholas day

Jolly old St. Nicholas, Listen to me please

I have got some things to say, Don’t you run away.
Christmas Eve is coming soon; Now, you dear old man,
Listen to what doggies want, Help us if you can

In addition to world peace, ending war and strife
We want every single dog to have a happy life
Now, you see, I understand, That's a lot to ask
But if anyone can help, you can do this task.

Bring a pup for Sasha and a dog for them to share
Breed is not important, they don't need a matched pair
Brown eyes would be nice, but it's ok if eyes are blue
Two eyes to watch over them but maybe one will do.

Their dad will be busy now, busier than before
He will have a lot to do, building a strong core
We know that their mom will help, She is lovely too
But for puppies we'll depend exclusively on you.

Get dogs from a shelter group, rescue or the pound
Get them where the bestest dogs, surely will be found.
Oh! You'll have to keep them til the girls get their new home
Make sure that the doggies know, they are not to roam.

Doggies that will be there when they go to bed at night
Greet them in the morning when the day is turning bright
Doggies that will listen to their secrets and their hopes
You can choose St. Nickolas, for these special folks.

I don't need a present, I am happy here you see
Give some other dogs a chance to be happy just like me
Keep my buddies healthy, make our muzzers strong
Please keep Peanut's daddy safe, he'll be home e'er long.

Thank you for your time today, I know you must go
You have lots of people who are waiting in the snow
Please accept my humble thanks, For your help St. Nick

Oh and just in case you've got and extra one or so
I take a large in bully sticks, Just in case, you know.



Sunny,Scooter, (sometimes Jamie) said...

Gussie, Your muzzer is very talented. We love her songs!! Our Mom is letting us comment a bit. We will soon be back regularly!!
pee ess we gotta find some stockings!!!

Agatha and Archie said...

Ah Gussie,we love you!!! Your poem kind of made PL2 leaky.......Love and a million kisses A+A

Asta said...

I always think I've heawd youw best and then you top it

Mommi had to stop and go get a hankie..what a bootiful soul you and Muzzew have
Thank you
and smoochie kisses

Stanley said...

Gussie Boy!

Ahhh. We just relax these days and let our girl sing your renditions of all these songs to us. We LOVE the songs you and Muzzer do.

Happy St Nick Day, and be sure to eat your bully stick with an eye on Teka.

Goober love,

Princess Patches said...

What a great poem, Gussie! We sure hope St. Nicholas grants your wishes!

Poppy, Penny & Patches

Duke said...

What a beautiful carol, Gussie! You and Muzzer make a great team!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Oh Gussie...we all had to go and get the kleenex box for our leaky eyes!!! That was just a bootiful way to express what so many doggies and other homeless pets need!

I don't know how you manage to pen such bootiful sentiments...I am sure that St. Nick will bring you a large bully stick and maybe even one for Teka!!!!

Love you lots, Sweet boy!!!!

Lacie, et al!

Stella said...

Thank you, Gussie, for visiting my blog. Your carol is beautiful and we all share those wishes. I am a rescue dog too, and so is my pal Spencer. We are the luckiest!

Cheers and Kisses,


Poopsie aka Blue said...

Happy St Nicks to you all!
Remember all the fun last year
re carols!

Please include me again this year.
Am expecting Gussue to pull a craker with me again!

Love, pats & pets

Unknown said...


I think I've got a new favorite Christmas carol!
(And since it's topping "Jingle Ball Rock!" you KNOW it's extra-special!)

What a great song!

Your pal,


Joe Stains said...

Happy St Nicholas Day! I need to go find some of my Dad's socks QUICK!

Eric said...

Happy St, Nicholas Day Gussie and Teka.Did you get the ginormous size in bully sticks? You deserve too, that was a very pawfect song. I was yapping along with you.

Wiry wags, Eric x

Jake of Florida said...

Gussie, what a beautiful song. Do you think you and muzzer will sing it for us when we visit later this month????

We hope you found lots of treats today on St. Nicholas Day!!

Wirey woofs and love,

Jake and Just Harry

Koobuss said...

That was very inspiring, Gus! You have such exceptional song writing ability, and the Holidays seem to bring it out of you in droves. Love your lyrics!
Great job!!

Love and Koobuss Kisses,

Eduardo said...

I hope St. Nick hears your carol & makes it come true!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle