16 March 2009

Foam on the Miss'sippi

We just had a note from Lacie, Scruff and Stan suggesting that the Mississippi River had some "effluent" problems.

We want you all to know that we have sent out our search team to check out these rumors, and will report back if there is any news worth reporting.

We think muzzer prolly put too much detergent in the dishwasher again.

gussie n teka


Asta said...

I can send ovew ouw laundwy , which is sploding out of the bafwoom..it would pwolly use up all the suds if thewe is a weal pwoblem
let me now
smoochie kisses

Jake of Florida said...

Pawsonally we were thinking somebody spilled too much Guiness into the Mississippi in celebrating St. Patty's Day...

But what do we know? We've been running amok in camp and just got home.

Jake and Just Harry

Duke said...

Is one of those hot babes your muzzer, Gussie?!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Agatha and Archie said...

It is probably just PL2 putting too much stuff in the dishwasher and it has floated down ..Love A+A

Joe Stains said...

I sure hope Tanner was not involved...

Anonymous said...

The Mississippi isn't as bad as the chicago river; it's so bad it turned green today.

Unknown said...


Once you finish cleaning up the Mighty Mississippi, please check your email (not peemail)!

Your pal,


Moco said...

Maybe you could go on a country wide tour of river cleaning.

wally said...

Gus, is that your muzzer in her bathing girdle?

wally t.

Koobuss said...

I think that the problem probably started in Pittsburgh, where the Monongahela and Allegheny Rivers form the Ohio River. Then whatever it is flowed southwest and into the Mississippi River.

Or not. It's just a theory.

Love and Koobuss Kisses,