30 July 2009

Don't these people ever stay home?

Me and Teka were pretty worried earlier this week.

These are the suitcases that Muzzer and Dad use when they go "out of town."

And usually, the suitcases live way up above the closet in the guest bedroom. This weekend, they stayed on the bed - and one of them was OPEN!

So me n Teka figured that we might get left again.

Like last weekend . You know?

But every thing is OK Dokey. We got to come along. 'Course, we are in St. Loulis,

At the same old boring hotel. Doing the same old boring things.

Except this morning, we met some horses...But of course...NO ONE HAD A CAMERA!

Good help is really hard to find.

Hope y'all have a wonderful weekend.


pee ess...dad is going to the ball games again. We hope this one is over earlier than the one last night.



NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Woo are KHWITE the travellers!




Duke said...

Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaa, we're so glad that you guys got to go too!
The fun will start soon, you'll see!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Dexter said...

At least you got to go along. Your people sure do get around.


Mango the Maltese kiddo said...

Ooops, I almost misread it, I thought you have to stay home. Bon voyage, guys!

Patience-please said...

We have not been able to blog because our mouths have been stuffed full of the most delicious treats!!! You guys are the bestest!

We know all about how hard it is to get good help, but our expert opinion is that your humans ROCK!!!!

wags from the whippets

Jake of Florida said...

Was he there for the 15-inning game?????At least we won, not like last night.

Have fun in St. Loulis!!!!

Jake and Just Harry

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Great that you got to go too - hope you all have a fun weekend.

Woos, the OP Pack

Eric said...

Wohoo! At least you got to go but no camera??? How were the horses - friendly? I always wonder why their riders don't pick up after them...if you see them again ask them can you? If I see one I'll ask them too. We can compare answers...

Wiry wags n kisses Eric xxx

Agatha and Archie said...

WHOA HE SAW THAT SUPER DUPER LONG ONE??!!! at least you guys got to go along this time..We were reading how Teka eats her frogs and then ahem brings them up again...hee hee hee hee hee Love A+A

Asta said...

GussieI knew they couldn't stand it wifout you.ow this is mowe like it. The whole family togethew. I hope you and Teka get to have a gweat time
smoochie kisses

Koobuss said...


You mean to tell me that you saw horses and all you got were pictures of empty suitcases? Oh boy.

Hope your Dad enjoyed the games and that his team won. (Wonder who that was. Hehe)

Love and Koobuss Kisses,

Anonymous said...

Hey Gussie,
Hope you and Teka enjoyed STL. What baseball game did your dad go to? We didn't know that there was a real baseball team in STL. We're members of the RSN and we hate the NYY.

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Hey Gussie...see if Teka wants to enroll in my Charm School...

Love, Lacie

wally said...

Vacay! Hope everyone has a great time.

wally t.