12 November 2009

bad news

Muzzer just read me a note from Mama Lamb. Snickers is not doing well at all, she has not had a good day at all and is not making progress like we had hoped. She has an appointment with the vet in the morning, and at that time her Mama and Dad may have to make the decision to let her go to the bridge.

We know you all are praying and holding her in your hearts, and we can feel the energy coming from all of you. Thank you so much for your love and support.



The Brat Pack said...

This news is just heartbreaking. Keeping them in our prayers tonight. :(

Maryann & The Brat Pack

Asta said...


I've pwayed so hawd,I am so sad I can't even say. I hope Deaw Snickews feels ouw love coming to hew and hopefully giving hew a quiet night wif no pain.
I'm still hoping fow a miwacle..I can't imagine ...
Thank you fow sending out the wowd so all ouw love can keep going to hew
smoochie teawful kisses

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...


We WON'T pawmit it to end this way

Not yet -

Off to update my blog before 12mn


TwoSpecialWires said...

We hope it doesn't sound trite or superficial to say, "We love you, and we love Miss Snickers." We hold all our friends and their families close to our hearts tonight, and hope that a supporting caress can be felt, at some level, by everyone that is worrying and grieving. Love is what it is all about. And friendship.

Hug your pups,
Fergi, Jake, MomaSally and NinaGirl

Lacy said...

ooo nooo Gussie, me sooo worried bout ms snickers...Pleaaassse dog protecter, help her nowwww..

a sad,
~rocky and mama~

Sally Ann and Andy said...

That is really hard. I know what they decide will be best for her, but still it is so sad.
Sally Ann

Anonymous said...

You are in my thoughts and prayers.

Sending more Lakie healing vibes to the bootiful Miss Snickers.

hugs from autumn

Unknown said...

Oh no...We pray that the doctor is wise and kind, that Snickers may be comfortable and content, and that whatever decisions have to be made come from a place of love and compassion.

Lots of love to Snickers, Butchy and her family,


Sunny,Scooter, (sometimes Jamie) said...

OMD. My heart is breaking for them. we will go into overdrive howling & praying. Dammit...
I am sorry Gussie. I know you and muzzer are so upset about miss snickers. Once again I am stuck with "thy will be done".
We'll ck first thing.
Sad hugs.
Jamie and the sundogs
but we won't give up til we have to!!!

Ruby Bleu said...

Oh Gussie...I'm just so sad. Me and Mom have very leaky eyes. We're praying very very hard and I've got my paws crossed.

Lots of Licks, Ruby

i said...

Keeping Miss Snickers and her family in our thoughts and prayers.

Snowball said...

I don't know what to say. We will continue to pray for her.


The Oceanside Animals said...

Sorry to hear about Snickers, Asta and the others told us about her. Hope the trend is reversed.

Duke said...

Oh no! We are sending all of the positive vibes and AireZen that we can muster! We are praying so hard for Snickers!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Deetz said...

I want to give you a great big hug, just because!
We will keep our paws crossed