11 November 2009

Miss Snickers


My Dear Friends:

I write today to ask your prayers for my Beautiful Miss Snickers. She is so ill, and it isn't the seizure monster that is bothering her now.

You may have read on her bloggie that she has had bad swelling in her throat and neck. For a while, we thought she was doing much better, that her Mama and the vet had found the problem and taken care of it.

Now the swelling has come back, and she is most uncomfortable. She is not eating and does not even want to drink water. Her Mama is worried, and Butchy and her cats are in distress. I am devastated, and worried, and I cannot think what to do to help her.

Her Mama took her to the vet this morning, and he says it may be lymphoma, a cancer that doggies can get that makes them very sick. They are trying Prednisone to bring the swelling down, and she will see the vet again on Friday. I hope they have some better news then, but I must tell you, I am a bit of a Pessimist about this.

So I am asking you once again to pray for a furfriend, keep her in your hearts, send up the prayer flags, cross paws and ask your humans for their help also.

This is making me feel much worse than when my first family chose to let me be rehomed. Please help me find hope.



NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Oh Gussie -

Too much sadness these past days -

Max's news and now this news about your sweet Miss Snikhkers -

I understand what you mean -

And my mom does too -


Ruby Bleu said...

Oh Gussie...
This is so scawie...poor sweet Snickers. My paws are crossed and I' thinking very good thoughts for her.

You hang in there...lots of licks, Ruby

TwoSpecialWires said...

There is always hope. There must always be hope.

Thank you, Gussie, for helping Snickers and her family by posting this update. The word is out and we know there will soon be a huge circle of paws stretched around the world, embracing Snickers and her family. We want them to feel our support and to benefit from every breath of love, zen, prayer, whatever is offered.

There is such support in this community. And once more we are happy to be able to be part of it. This time on the giving end.

Love to you, and to MIss Snickers and her family.
Paws crossed and ever hopeful,
Jake and Fergi xxoo

Astrid Keel said...

o goodness... this is such sad news. Prayers for snickers.

Jake of Florida said...


This is too too sad -- we have Ms. Snickers -- and her mom and dad -- in our hearts and pray that the vet will be able to treat her and make her well.

From one wire to another, we can multiply the wirey zen exponentially and hope, just hope, it will make a difference.

Thank you pal for letting us know -- we just stopped by by accident and are glad we did so we can go visit Smickers and Butchy.

Wirey love,

Jake and Just Harry and Mom

Lacy said...

sad woof, ooo gussie, is that the same thing Domi not to long ago died from..she will b in our prayers and thoughts and i will put this on the news NOW!!!!!!

a worried,
~rocky and mama~

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Gussie, this is so sad to read about. We promise we will do all that you ask and more. Our very best sibe vibes ad lots of prayers that Snickers will respond to the prednisone and that it isn't this bad. We have to keep our hope up.

Hugs, the OP Pack

Asta said...

Dawling Gussie
Please don't give up hope.
We awe all pwaying and cwossing ouw paws and sending ouw vewy stubbown tewwiew stwength and stubbowness and good thoughts to youw bootiful miss Snickews. she is vewy special to me and to many of us and we send ouw love and hope to hew family
thank you fow posting this
love and sad smoochie kisses,ASTA

The Brat Pack said...

We're sending good vibes and will be praying for her. Thank you for letting us know. :(

The Brat Pack and Maryann

Koobuss said...

Oh no! I am so sorry to hear this. Little Snickers is in our thoughts and prayers. The poor little angel has been through so much.

Love and Koobuss Kisses,

Agatha and Archie said...

My darling Gussie, Do not give up hope.We are sending our wirey thoughts and prayers to our darling girl, to her family and to all of her friends. There is a lot of power in our paw chain......Love and very sad kisses indeed Agatha and ARchie

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Oh Gussie...we are very worried about sweet Snickers too and are praying and hoping with all our hearts that she feels better....

She was doing better from that stoopid seizure monster and now this...

We're going to bark at the dog star and like Jake and Fergi said extend our paws in a worldwide link for healing....

Loving barks to you Gussie...

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanny

Sally Ann and Andy said...

We will pray for Miss Snickers. I am so sorry that she is sick. I am praying for her, and Mack sends lots of licks.
Sally Ann

the many Bs said...

hey Gussie, we're sorry your sweet friend is ill and we are friends of Snickers too. thanks for telling us about her and we are going to go visit her right now. we are going to send her tons and tons of B-power to get better. the power of the paw is very strong...


Sunny,Scooter, (sometimes Jamie) said...

Oh NO Gussie,
We will howl to heaven for her and Mom will pray that God does not need a new angel right now.
Mom told the story about Tess last year, lymphoma is what she had. A biopsy told for sure and also some bloodwork. We hope and pray your Miss Snickers does NOT have that awful lymphoma. We will go right over and see her!
Hang in there Gussie.
Sunny, Scooter, "pup", & Jamie

Anonymous said...

Many super big paw vibes going out to the lit'love Snickers.

Things always happen for a reason and maybe this is for a greater purpose than we can understand.

Hugs from Autumn

Snowball said...

I will be praying for her. Hope that there will be good news. Paws crossed.



Raising Addie said...

We have all our paws crossed that the medication helps.

She will be in our prayers.

Lots of Luv & Kisses
Addie, Lucie and Hailey

Patience-please said...

Oh, no. We were worried when we saw your comment that something bad was wrong. Oh dear. Snickers has been through so much. Her poor mom and dad.

We'll send our best miracle whippets best magic wishes for all of them.

And hugs to you and your sweet Muzzer.

sad little wags from the whippets

Teddy said...

Oh Gussie, you must be sick with worry. Your mom, dad, and kitties too. We'll pray really hard for Snickers to get better. She's such a sweet girl and has survived the seizure monster, so hopefully can battle this swelling thing.

doyle and mollie said...

we have all fingers, toes and paws crossed that you will beat the nasties! stay strong miss snickers we all need you ok licks and special slobbers doyle ;D

Opy - the Original GruffPuppy said...

We have all our paws crossed for the beautiful Miss Snickers - she is a very special pup indeed !

The power of DWB will pull her through - you just watch it !



Sally said...

We must never give up hope - we are so sorry to hear about Snickers - we are sending all of our positive vibes and healing hugs that we can - Sally and Paddy and Diana

Huskee and Hershey said...

We are crossing all 8 paws for her recovery.. hope the medication helps. :(

Please keep us posted Gussie.. ((hugs))

Duke said...

We are crossing our paws and sending lots of positive vibs to Miss Snickers, Gussie!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Rocky Creek Scotties and Rocky Creek Ramblings said...

Our thoughts and prayers are with Miss Snickers.

Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java

Dexter said...

We are so worried about Miss Snickers and sending our good thoughts her way.


Snowball said...

Hi Gus, Do you have any updates about Snickers? Please do keep us posted.



Deetz said...

Our prayer stars are up and the word is out thanks to Asta....The Power of the Paw has to work, it just has too for Snickers.
Butchy and Snickers were one of the first ones to come and see me when I first started blogging and I have become very attached to them. I know you are worried and this is your sweetie so my paws are crossed as well as all over the world for Snickers.

missbreezysbox said...

Prayers and nice thoughts are going Miss Snikhkers way from our house.

Mochi and Bali said...

I'm crossing my paws and sending lots of Sibe Vibes to Miss Snickers.


White Dog Blog said...

I just read about Snickers on Khyra's blog and came by to offer support. You must have hope and believe that the outcome will be the best...our minds and hearts are very powerful healing tools. Know we are sending positive energy to both you and Snickers and her family...may the problem be easily and successfully fixed.

Jans Funny Farm said...

We're sorry Snickers is so sick. She has had such health problems! We do hope she will get better soon.

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

We are sending our Heeler healing vibes your way. Gussie get well soon..

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Eric said...

Dearest Gussie, please don't give up hope. Remember what our terrier tenacious zen can do. My paws are extended right the way across the big pee to all my pals,I'm praying to the dog star and sending zillions of wiry zen for Snickers, Butchy, their leggeds and the kitties. And to you too Gussie.

Wiry loves and kisses Eric xxxxx

Dewey Dewster said...

I tell ya...it is just one bad news day after another anymore....we just hate ta hear about any fur kids bein' ill and we sure hope Ms Snickers is goin' ta be OK.....me, my Mom and Toby all send our crossed paws ta the crossed paws pile so that all the doggies and kitties that are ill...all get better....'n soon too....

Dewey Dewster here....

Moondance Huskies said...

Dear Gussie,
We are sending healing husky vibes and lots of purrayers for Snickers. We must have hope. Pawsitive energy is a very powerful force. We are sending hugs to you, Gussie, so you know you are not alone.
Love & kisses,
Skye,Dave,Jasmine,Velvet,Angel,Lakota,Blaze, the kitties Misty,Starr & Diana, and mom Joan

wally said...

Poor Miss Snickers. She will be in our thoughts. You too, Gus.

wally t.

Anonymous said...

We are all praying for Ms. Snickers to have a full and rapid recovery. We have howled and we have visieted her blog. We're all with you in this Gus. Be strong.