Ooh, but I thought I'd ask you just the same
What are you doing New Year's
New Year's eve?
Wonder whose paws will hold you good and tight
When it's exactly twelve o'clock that night
Welcoming in the New Year
New Year's eve
Maybe I'm crazy to suppose
I'd ever be the one you chose
Out of the thousand invitations
You received
Ooh, but in case I stand one little chance
Here comes the jackpot question in advance:
What are you doing New Year's
New Year's Eve?
I'll be holding my mom's paw so she doesn't spill any of her prosekhkho on the laptop at the DWB PAWTY!
Happy ALMOST 2010!
Oh how I have enjoyed your poetry...fantastic!!!! I will be barking up a storm at the blue moon, did you hear we are supposed to have a beautiful blue moon New Years Eve? I will be thinking of you and all our dear friends too
Superdooper ditties Gussie! Did you get a chance to dance? I know you do a tidy fox trotter. Some lucky doggie will be putting her paw in yours. Paws crossed it won't be Teka's.
Loved your Christmas pics too. I spied your Dad wearing a square dog tie. Wagging good taste.
Happy New Year to you all!
Wiry love and kisses Eric xxxxx
May it be the start to a pawsome new year.
Love ya lots!
Lacie and I awe waiting on my bloggie
alll alone..no one to dance wif.....
just sayin
smoochie kisses
Mom and I will be sound asleep way before the new year starts, Gussie!
We wish you and Teka and muzzer a wonderful 2010!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Happy New Year to you too! We plan to go to bed early.
HAPPY NEW YEAR KIDS!!!!!!!!!! Love and a trillion kisses A+A
Happy New Year to our Very Dear Friends. Our servant is glad to be starting a new year; silly human, we try to teach her to relish in every moment, whatever it brings.
You and your muzzer have been such a comfort to our servant over the course of the past year. You have brought her smiles and support and even cool clothing!!!
She has been a horrid ingrate. But we can see her innards, and in there she sure appreciates everything.
wags from the whippets
Happy New Year!!! By the way Dad just loved Teka in her pink coat. LOL
Happy New Year!
That's awesome. No takers yet? Happy New Years!
We go to sleep early around here. Humans are watching the new Star Trek movie and eating artichoke spinach dip while I and my fellow furries are snoozing and snoring... oh wait, I DON'T SNORE!!!
Happy New Year licks and wags...
Gussie, it has been so much fun reading all your wonderful holiday songs - we hope you found a perfect young lady to keep you company tonight. We are so glad we met you this year. Happy New Year to you and wishes from us to you for a happy, healthy, and prosperous new year.
Woos, Phantom and Thunder
Here's to another year of friendship and smiles and holding up each other through the trials. Over the past year you have brought us many giggles, some laughter and always a feeling that the world is a better place because you are in it.
We were asleep on the big bed without any humans.
hey Gus, from one Poet to another Poet, Happy New Year,
loving your work!
May us poets rock on!
Yay. (oh no poetry from me on this comment, I am leaving it to the Master - Gus!)
lotsaluv Marvin xxxxxxxxxxx
I'd smoocha ya at midnight Gus!
And no, we don't have room even for a teeny tiny corgi! *stink eye*
wally t.
Hi, Gussie...
I've been away sooo long...I've missed you...
Hope you had the Best Holiday's ever...
Abby xxxooo
Please tell Muzzer that yes the sheppy for rent plays fetch. Indeed, she appears to be broken and is always set to "fetch." I am willing to make a package deal for a second sheppy who will fetch the first sheppy. He doesn't really have any special skills. Well, except looking a little special. If you know what I mean.
wally t.
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