16 February 2010

Let fois le bon rouleau de baseball

Today is Mardi Gras, and tomorrow is the beginning of spring training!

Plus, it is my Barkday.

What an amazing confluence of heavenly planets to create such a fortuitous event.


I need a nap!



Kelly said...

GUSSIE! It's your barkday?!?!


I hope that Teka will leave you alone, just for this one day.


Jake of Florida said...

You know we are with you on this!!!!! The folks just got their invite for the Wash U alumni-sponsored spring training game at Roger Dean Stadium.

Happy Happy Barkday in advance, dear Cardinal pal.

May we steal your Cardinal image???

Jake and Just Harry

Eric said...

Happy Barkday for tomorrow Gussie. When the planets align tomorrow on your special day they fortell many presents and stuffies, good fortune and health and your treats gigantic(and not hidden in cupboards) Isn't that right Muzzer?

Wicked wiry barkday wishes! Eric x

Sally Ann and Andy said...

Happy Barkday Gussie, Party well Sally Ann

Asta said...

Oh Gussie
Youw ewoodition knocks me out.

Happy Biwfday my sweet Deew fwiend!!! You awe vewy vewy special. No wondew the heavens wecognise it.
smoochie kisses

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...


So much to celebrate!


Ruby Bleu said...

Happy Barkday Gussie...baseball and Mardi Gras...not a bad way to spend a barkday! Hope Muzzer gives you some beignets???

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Unknown said...

Happy Barkday Dear Gussie! How old are you now? I'll be lucky #7 on February 26th! Hope you're getting lots of Mardi Gras treats today!!!

Your pal,


Duke said...

We certainly hope your pawty has already started, Gussie! Happy birthday!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

wally said...

Happy burpday, bud! We need a romp in the snow. Which makes our ape feel like a nap.

The Sheps w/Pep

Agatha and Archie said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY GUSSIE!!!!!!! and we 100% AGREE!!!!! Love and kisses A+A

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Happy Birthday, Gussie - we hope you have a wonderful year - we are so happy we met you. Hope you had a good nap.

Woos, Phantom and Thunder

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Oh Gussie....

Your Barkday??

I shall certainly pop down to kiss you!!!

How old are ya dear boy???

It snowed here another bunch...


Can't run in our yardie...we sink...there's three feet of snow out there....SHEESCH...and we're leakin' water like the Titantic...

Mumsie's gonna be in Charlotte this weekend Wedding Dress Shopping for Sissy who better get off her glutimus maximus and buy something...and it's supposed to be 53 degrees and sunny...

She's quite pleased...

Hope you had a fabbers barkday!!

Laciegirlie, Scruffy and Stanley

McGillicutty said...

Wow, Gus! Happy barkday! Mine is next month! Yep, it's true, I'll have another Irish in da house!!! I've posted an update...Some confusion was created by me post...must be Lacie's smoothies STILL having an effect...she's one powerful girl!!!

Irish Love,

Fred said...

Happy birthday! That is so cool that we were born on the same day!!! Hope yours was pawsome!

Joe Stains said...

You know we are all REAL excited around here for baseball!! But we are more exicted for your Barkday!! HAPPY BARKDAY!!!

Lacy said...

w00fs, happy late barkday Gussie...asta sent u and Teka some great stuffs...heehee dont ya just love something squeaky...hope u has many many more..

b safe,