24 March 2010

Just an update

Y'all remember my pal Tucker.  We just had a note from his Mama, who
told us he had the operation to remove his tumor today and seems
to be doing fine.  But of course, she misses him,
and she is worried about how long
he will be able to stay with her, because they know this won't cure
 the cancer,but hope it will make him more comfortable. 

So, if you will please go and visit his blog and leave some kind thoughts
for his Mama and his family instead of replying here, I would appreciate
it a lot.  Just click on the link to go to his bloggie.

Thank you



TwoSpecialWires said...

We were JUST there and now we're heading right back. Thanks for letting us know!!!!!

Love ya,
Jake and Fergs xxoo

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

We love Tucker, Gussie and we'll surely go and visit him now!!

Come see the foxy pups...Mumsie drove to OHIO today with that stoopid Clacie...and they got to play with Butchy's new sissy! Cept we don't know which one she is!!

So cute!!!



NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

We've been there already but thanks fur sharing this...

He is a khutie -

Is it in the WFT khontrakht woo must be khuties?


Duke said...

We just came from Tucker's blog. We want so much for him to be okay and happy!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Dexter said...

I am all over that. Sending Tucker vibes even as I type.


Anonymous said...

Hi Gussie! I left Tucker a message but I wanted to leave you one, too! Thanks for being so concerned about your sweet furend.

Have a happy day!

Wiggles & Wags,

Jake of Florida said...

Thanks for the info. Sometimes we forget and don't visit as often as we want to.


William Tell said...

Thanks, Gus. We'll go there right now!

Happy Tails,
William Tell

Remington said...

Will do....thanks for the update!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

We were so happy to hear that Tucker's surgery went well. Hopefully this will make him have some more comfortable days. He is such a sweetheart.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Ben said...

On my way to wish Tucker well.

Asta said...

Gussie sweet thoughtful love
I went and visited and saw that Tuckew is doing amazingly..what a guy..i hope he gets to stay wif his loving family fow a long time
smoochie kisses

Jans Funny Farm said...

We went by to leave a message too.

McGillicutty said...

Oh, Gussie, me pal,

We just went to visit Tucker. What a great warrier terrier! Thanks for the update.

Irish Love,

Princess Patches said...

We already visited Tucker, but we're going back now.

Penny & Patches

Agatha and Archie said...

Oh Gussie, Your previous song made us a little leaky..Love PL2 and A+A


Thanks Gus for letting us know about Tucker. We hope you have a grrreat weekend and come by and see us!

Riley and Star.

Jake of Florida said...


Thanks for stopping by -- once again it's heartsick time.

Wirey love,

Jake and Juct Harry

Dexter said...

Hey Gussie! Here are some things you might try with that pesky Teka.

Maybe put on the leash, but do walkies in the yard first before going out and about. That way the leash means time to be a good doggie no matter what.

If you want to try a pinchy collar, make sure to wear it without the leash on to get used to it first and tell momma that she must never let the leash get taught with the pinchy collar. It is only for a jerk / release reminder to pay attention.
