18 July 2010

Terriers Take the Cake

Hi, dog bloggers. This is ERabbit speaking.

Gus and Teka are on the road, so Gus has asked me to share something I found with all of you. It is from this website that has illustrations from vintage cookbooks, and it shows how to make a delicious cake even more appealing. . .

. . . by decorating it as a Fox Terrier, complete with wirey coconut furs!
I think Gus and Teka will probably need one of these to celebrate when they get to Richmond -- when I spoke with them earlier, Teka had found a dead bird. Not only is that not appropriate food for a road trip, but Gus says she wouldn't even share. . .


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Mom so rekhalls her khutting shapes to make khake days!

Of khourse, I believe that would be a khokhonut khake!

Thanks fur sharing the memories!

Mom khan still see the Raggedy Ann khake she made Auntie Di!


♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

TD likes to find dead birds too - but at least he just drops them on the deck.

That cake is so cute and looks pretty easy. Got any sibe ones?

Hope the road trip is going well.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Anonymous said...

Oh! That cake is SO cute! And I bet it's DEE-lish! But really, E. Rabbit, you shouldn't knock a dead bird until you've tried it, you know.

Wiggles & Wags,

Gus said...

A square dog from a rectangular cake! You are a treasure E.Rabbit!

when do I get one?


Kelly said...

That cake is sooo cute! I wonder if I could make the face a little more umm.. smooshed... and give the tail some curl... and it could be a pug!?

Oh, and the body would need to be umm... rounder.

Nevermind. It should just stay a terrier.

Asta said...

That is quite a spectacoolaw find. I know Gussie and Teka would love getting that and inviting al theiw fwiends(hint hint hint) to shawe it.
A fwiend of mommi's once made hew a bootiful foxy cake that looked like my angel bwufuw Nikki..if we can find the pic I'll show you..it was vewy similaw to youw foxy cake kid
smoochie kisses
pee ess dead biwds awe not vewy tasty..and go off in this heat too quickly , so I'm glad mygussie didn't get any

Joe Stains said...

That cake looks so stinking cool! I hope Teka and Gus find more good road food!!

Dandy Duke said...

POOPOO - my birthday was 9 days ago! I want one of these! I'm a princess, ya know!
What a cute cake!

Love ya lots,

TwoSpecialWires said...

Your E Rabbit is one special sissie. Will she be making you that cake? We think she should. And then invite us to come share it.

Jake didn't even know there was such a thing as a dead bird. He's gonna want to hunt for them when we get home. Right now he's (and I am, too) pretty obsessed with dead frogs in the street. Seems like they have a penchant for getting under car tires. Ewwwwww!

Hope the road trip is going well. Ours starts soon!

Love ya, Gussie and Teka.
Tell your pawrents hi (and to be careful!)
Fergi (and Jake)

Dexter said...

Perhaps dead bird with a nice white sauce would be OK?


Tucker said...

Hey that looks like me! I showed it to my humomma and she said she'd make one for me this summer just in case I don't make it to my next Birthday. Maybe we'll have a big party!

Licks and wags...