17 September 2011

I am pouting!

She gave me a bath!
So now I am pouting.
I dried myself on her sheets.
And now I am on her pillows.
I am not getting down
until the whole bed is damp.

Deal with that one, Muzzer!


Dexter said...

You're looking a tad poodle like there. I think you might need the special uncurl rinse. Not sure about your pouting strategy. Might make mom kind of grouchy.


Peppy Sheppys said...

Nicely done, Gus. Next time act like you desperately need to go outside and find yourself a nice dirt patch to gussie up (pun intended) that haircut.

sheps w/pep, otis & the grrr

Duke said...

Way to go, Gussy! Muzzer will be sorry she ever had that brilliant idea!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Way to go Gus!!! I like your style!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

You tell her, Gussie. We don't like baths either, but since we get ours at the groomers, we never get to wet up all the sheets and pillows. In the end, though, we bet you look beautiful.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Go Gussie Go!

PeeEssWoo: Thanks fur the khlinching!

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Gussie...I am flying down on my Broom to blow dry those curls...why ever did Teka not attend to that?? Be careful roaching on those sheets...for some reason that action just makes me well EMPTY MY BLADDER on them...never goes over well...


Miss Lacie

B.T.Bear (esq.) said...

Oh no! A BATH???? That's terrible!

Eubie said...

CIAO GUSSIEE!I'm happy to hear from you after that awful hurricane Irene!I saw from your post that you are ok, and also washed.I too had a grooming session these days, my human cutted all my hair (i looked like a sheep. A "pecora"). I'm really FELICE you are back and safe!Greetings to Teka and to your Humans!That picture of the tree upside down is incredibile!!!

Remington said...

You better not pout....Santa may be watching....I'm just sayin'....

The Thuglets said...

Way to go Gussie!

Mind you Remmy has a paw point there.

Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx

E. Rabbit said...

Eartha Kitteh points out that this would not happen if you were smart enough to wash yourself, like a cat.

Asta said...

My sweetest Love gussie, don't pout , you smell divine!!! I have to have a baf fow my Biwfday too and we can bof wun off togethew and show Muzzew and Mommi what we think of those bafs

I got youw most bootiful Biwfday cawd today and I am listening to it ovew and ovew.. and dweaming of going fow a wide in the gussiemobile
smoochie dwying kisses
youw ASTA