07 January 2012

Pest Side Story


I have been a pretty morose doggie lately.

You know, my sweetie Miss Asta is moving to Pest

With her Mommi and Daddi. And while I know that

my friends will help me get across the Pee, it just won't be the same.

So, as a WFT who was pretty much raised on American Musicals,

I have created a new masterpiece!

Based on the Classic West Side Story,

I present the story of star crossed lovers Asta and Gussie, who

mix and mingle with the Pets and the Barks, supported by their cast of

blogging friends.

Act I

1. "Overture" – Orchestra

2. "Prologue" – Orchestra

3. Pet Song" – Buster, Pets

4. "Something's Coming" - Gussie

5. "Dance at the Gym" – Orchestra

6. Sweet Asta– Gussie

7. "I like to Pee in America" – Gussie, Duffy, Scruffy, Jakie, Pets

8. "Tonight" – Gussie and Asta

9. "Gee, Officer Krupke" – Archie and the Pets

Act II

1. "I Feel Pretty" – Asta, Lacie, Agatha , Fergie Koobie, Khyra Lolaancisca

2. "One Paw, One Heart" – Gussie and Asta

3. "Quintet" – Asta, Fergie, Buster, Jake and JH, Pets, Barks

4. "The Rumble" – Orchestra

5. "Somewhere" – Asta, Gussie

6. "Cool" – Pets

7. "A Dog Like That/I Love Him" –Asta and Aggie

8. "Somewhere (Reprise)" – Asta

"Finale" – Orchestra


♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

We are all going to miss Asta too. And we hope things are going well for them. We can't wait for them to get settled and tell us all about the big move.

You are so sweet to create that musical for sweet Asta.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

I just hope the stage is big enough fur all of us -

One of the cast seems to take up a bit more boom room than the others -

I bet this wins a Tony award!


Dandy Duke said...

What a brilliant masterpiece, Gussie. We know exactly how you feel. We miss Asta and her mommi and daddi too.

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Anonymous said...

Bravo! BRAVO, GUSSIE! That is a most beautiful and moving musical. Or, well, I'm sure it WILL be once I see it pawformed. But I can IMAGINE what it's gonna be like. I really, REALLY hope it has a happy ending. I luvs happy endings.

I'm sorry Asta moved across the big wide ocean. But the good thing about Blogville is - as Mayor Frankie says - it's located in the HEARTland! So you'll never be far apart.

Wiggles & Wags,

Remington said...

That is great Gus! Sorry you miss Asta so much....

Wyatt said...

We love Miss Asta too! We are just saving our pennies so we can go visit her someday!! And if that fails...she will just be a mouse click away!

Wyatt and Stanzie

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

I FEEL PRETTY....OH SO PRETTY!!!!! Oh Gussie....I so enjoyed the play...you and Asta brought me to tears during "Tonight" but it might have been Asta going flat 7 times....

Now the first Broom Ride to Booda Pests is FREE!! And you can always expect a discount traveling with me.....Teka always flies for free as I am somewhat afraid of her...

We will manage this whole cross the ocean thing....and 'sides, Mumsie always wanted to go to Europe again....

Kisses and XOO Lacie

GRAÇA said...

I'm a kitten named Kika and temosamigos in common, as such I would love to be your friend
Will you be my friend?
I am waiting for your visit
Turrinhas of

Koobuss said...


(I think that's what you say after seeing a masterpiece.)

Love and Lots of Koobuss Kisses,

TwoSpecialWires said...

I just pointed out the title "I like to pee in America" to Jakey. I think he got confused and thought the words were "I like to pee on the bed". (Don't tell him I told you that.)

Fergi the Innocent

Anonymous said...

What's that rumbling?
Is it another aftershock?
No, it's mr. Bernstein rolling over.
(just kidding)