I have only just taken control of this blog.
This is my second post.
And here I am saying goodbye to another pal.
The lovely golden gentleman above is Homer.
He was one of the pack at the Bumpass Hounds,
but yesterday his mom and dad helped
him make the journey to the bridge.
He was ready to go, and with the help of
his humans and the staff at his Vet's
office, he made the journey peacefully
and surrounded by love. If you have
a moment, leave them a note, OK?
He joins Miss Maggie in the crop of "new kids"
and we will surely miss both of them.
Our love and terrier nose bops to their
Teka Toy (I can't make the link work. If you
want to leave a note for the Bumpass Bunch,
go to www.bumpasshounds.blogspot.com)
(I guess I understand why Muzzer is so
bummed when this happens. Next time
I hope to have better news.)
We didn't know Homer very well, but we are sorry for his loss. We wish this long list of furries crossing could stop. It just seems to happen more and more frequently. Too sad.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning
Oh this sucks. That's three for me this week. I hate this part. I wish dogs could live forever!
We will go and visit Homer's family now.
Molly, Taffy, Monty and Winnie
We are so sad to read this. I'm sure angel Maggie will be right there to welcome Homer. We're on our way to his blog.
Love ya lots,
Sad news! We'll go visit the Bumpass hounds now to give them our love. What a sweet face Homer had.
Wirey woofs,
Jake and Just Harry
Thank y'all for the kind words about our brother Homer. He set a standard that the rest of us could only hope of ever achieving (as Mom and Dad always remind us). We can't think of any angel blog buddy dogs at the bridge that weren't beloved by their families and friends. We're sure that they are now unburdened souls romping through the glades and meadows.
We are sorry to hear about Homer. We will go across to visit his family.
Sadly so many friends have left for the rainbow bridge lately. heyho
Big Nose Pokes
The THugletsx
This work thing is SO in the way of my keeping up on the REAL world -
I'm sure The Bleu and The Homer are touring the town as only GR's khan!
I just finally got Mommi to stawt twying to go awound to my fwiends' bloggies and I see this sad news..thank you fow telling us
I will go and leave my love to them.
Pleez tell my dawling Gussie that I am holding him close to my heawt and love him deewly
smoochie kisses
"I am celebrating 500 followers with a special event ... a photo competition. You should submit a photo of a part of your body - that's why it is called "esconde esconde' (hide). I would like to have you in this competition a as a friend of my blog. I'll wait for your visit
1- take a photo of your animal but only a part of it (where he cannot be fully disclosed)
2- everybody can apply
3- place a stamp of this competition on your blog and promote it
4- be a follower of this blog
5- deadline is February 29
6- as soon as you send me your photo by e-mail I'll post them on the blog
7- Voting: each person can vote on one photo only, not its own and has to be a follower of the blog. You can ask your friends to vote for you.
Turrinhas the
Maggie....Homer....Oh, Teka...
On a different note...WHERE IS GUSSIE?
Strong work, Girlie!!!
Lacie Toy Teacakes
Our word verrie is rongundi...sounds like some kinda foodables from New Orleans....
So sad....
Dance wif me, my dawling Gussie, and hold me tight
smoochie kisses
youw Valentine
We are so sorry about you furriend and will stop by to pay our respects.
For Gussie,
What time is the Et To Fay being served, I have my bowl and will bring the HurryCane drinks!
My Sweetheawt Gussiekins
Whewe awe you?
I don't see any new pictoowes of you and I miss you
I hope all is all wight at youw house..I know Muzzew is tewwibully busy, so I won't complain anymowe
anyway, pleez don't sob..my passpawt only means I can accompany you to all sowts of faboolous places..Mommi and Daddi awen't going to have the gween papews to go galevanting awound Ooowope, so don't wowwy that I'll go to Pawis wifout you.
smoochie kisses
pee ess tell Teka, she can come ovew fow a snack, but isn
t allowed to help hewself
as fow you , my love, you can eat anything we have, anytime
Gussie darling...how are you???
Yes, Mumsie looked at those pictures and perused some of our "doings" from four years ago...she says now she knows why she's completely daft and it's all our fault. So Scruffy hung out on the kitchen table...well, we all know the dog doesn't have a brain....
Well, I didn't bite him today...well, not much...the Lacie does make Birthday exceptions....
Ohh...So sad....
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