10 March 2012

Our trip to Virginia Beach

Teka and I had a great time at the beach! Here is a Smilebox we want to share with you:

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We hope you had a good weekend too!

Gus and Teka


♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Oh what fun!!! It looks cold, but Mom still says she would love to be walking barefoot along that beach.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

Duke said...

How lucky you and Teka are, Gussie. That foam shape did kinda look like Asta!

Love ya lots,

Anonymous said...

GUS... that DOES look like ASTA.

You and Teka surely did have a super time on the beach.

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

OH Gus... that really DOES look like ASTA!!!

You and Teka certainly had a super day at the beach!!

Anonymous said...

Max & Shiloh get to go to a dog resort in glen Allen when mom & dad go on trips without us. Our dogsitter, Ms. Mary, thinks that Max & Shiloh are hard to handle. max and Shiloh get to share a large duplex kennel with easy access to each other whenever they want. The Newfs really like going to The Dude Ranch:

mayziegal said...

What a fun trip to the beach you had! I can't believe you didn't eat the black, smelly thing. I totally would have.

Wiggles & Wags,

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Hmm...frankly, I think that foam stuff looked like one of my blender 'splosins....the beach always make she hungry...did you buy Teka a bucket of taffy? Did she eat it? Is her MOUTH STILL STUCK SHUT? I know your tricks, Gussie...the boyz tried that one on me too...couldn't talk for days...

Miss Teacakes

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Sorry about the typing mistakes...we're having a thunderstorm and I'm on Mumsie's lap droolin' and panting and she can't type...sheesch.

Remington said...

Awesome! Fun times!

Koobuss said...

Just think, Gussie, there is an endless supply of that foam. Unfortunately, it's not the kind of foam that you were looking for.

Did you ever find out what that black thing was? Good thing you left it alone. That was very smart.

Love and Lots of Koobuss Kisses,

Unknown said...

Oh Gus & Teka - I loved the Smilebox show! Such a nice way to show your pictures with a little story - and the perfect music too! :-)

I remember the first time I saw foam when I went to the beach as a puppy - it was a very windy day so the wind was blowing bits of the fowm everywhere and I was just chasing it like mad! My humans were killing themselves laughing at me! :-)

Honey the Great Dane

Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie said...

Lucky you, going to a real beach! That did look like a foamy Miss Asta didn't it?! Baby would have eaten the stinky sea stuff...She loves her fish oil pills. Pewie!!!
Hootie & BabyRocketDog

Asta said...

My dawling Gussie and Muzzew,

It is amazing, the sun, the whole atmosphewe of the city is so much loveliew...it's been awound 68 degwees fow ovew a week, wif cleew bloo skies and sunshine all day..people awe sitting in cafes. Mommi feels bettew and thAt makes me happy too

A gelato is $.75 as opposed to $5.50 in New Yawk..so we feel wich, hehehehe
Daily ewwands awe fun..i just wish I could see you on my walks
Smoochie kisses
Youw Asta always

Asta said...

Gussikins, my love,
Those few licks of gelato a day suwe make me smile
I just wish I could shawe them wif you

Didnyou see all the mawgawitas and mexican food Mommi and Daddi had? They wewe vewy excited to find it fow a change in tastes
Smoochiest of my kissies
Youw Asta

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Mom is making the droolie faces fur the Guinness!!!

Thanks fur sharing your pawesome trip!

I wonder what I would think of this beach and surf and sand stuff?


The Thuglets said...

Fabulous fun! How lucky you are going to the beach.

Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx