02 April 2012

gone ORANGE!

We have gone orange for April.

Thanks to Miss Asta and our pals who suggested
we take part in this campaign.

It was lots easier than trying
to join a blog hop. But
there may still
be hope
for that.



Asta said...

My sweet Gussie
I knew you'd join in
Thank you
Smoochie kisses

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Nice work, Gus.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

Duke said...

Your background is orange! Nice work, Gussie!

Love ya lots,

Beth said...

GO ORANGE! Thank you so much for stopping by my new blog! I appreciate it! I know I won’t be doing this daily but will be fun to share some of the things going on in my life! I hope we can be great friends!

The Black and Tans. said...

An excellent campaign Gussie. Animal cruelty is such a terrible thing.

Asta said...

gussie nd Muzzew,
Thank you fow the good wishes but just who awe the "kids"
Mommi and Daddi awe ancient..they just got mawwied late, hehehe
you know what's cool???since they let me in so many places hewe, I gots to go to lunch and walkies and the metwo and mowe walkies and sit in a cafe fow ice cweam , then nap , then walk to anothew westauwant and have a "light " dinnew wif mommi and Daddi..we did EVEWYTHING to gethew all day fow the fiwst time in histowy!!! now that's a pawfect animevewsawawy(just wish you could have beeen hewe my Gussie love)
smoochie kisses
youw ASTA

mayziegal said...

Ooooo...I luvs it! Good job! I'll have to see if my mom can turn us orange, too. That is, if I can get her to concentrate on my bloggie long enough to do it. Lately, that woman is awfully easily distracted. Yeesh!

Wiggles & WAgs,

Little Reufus said...

LUBBS yeu!!! And I sure support the ASPCA!!!

wif lubbs from Little Reufus

Asta said...

My most dawling Gussiekins

Ackshully, the Boo da Pestews have been vewy kind and helpful about the wed tape stuff..it's the ones in New Yawk who messed up, but if you cwoss yoow paws it might be stwaightened out sometime in this centoowy, hehehe
Btw. Muzzew can have Mommi's dwivew licence..she just has to use wed lipstick and no one will know the diffewence..that way she doesn't have to take a test

Smoochie kisses
Yoow Asta

Asta said...

Dawling Gussie, my Heawt

I so wish you and Muzzew could be walking down that stweet wif me looking at stuff and then shawing those yummews meals
miss you soo
smoochie kisses

Deetz said...

Hey Gus
Wow it has been way too long!
Thank you for coming and seeing me again. I miss you guys so much!
It is good to be back. We need your help with a little something.
Please come see our latest post.
Thank you so much!

Bailey Be Good! said...

What a great reminder. Boo to animal cruelty!

Woofs & hugs, <3

~Bailey (Yep, I'm a girl!)

Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie said...

Just stopping by to say Hellooooo since it's been a while since our last visit. Glad we see you on FB, because you are about as good at keeping current on your bloggie as WE are!!! bol. Sending Aire and Welshie Smooches your way,
BabyRD & Hootie