07 February 2013

Power of the Paw Needed for My Sweetie

My sweet Miss Asta is having surgery on Friday morning to remove a suspicious mass from her bladder.   Please keep her and her Mommi and Daddi close to your hearts and in your prayers tonight and tomorrow and until we find out she is feeling better!

Thank You

Gus Dagger Wft. and Fambly


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

We've been thinking of our pals in Hungwy ever since we saw the news -

Paws khwossed!


Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Our word verrie is gustruma which we are taking as good luck for my BFF. Poor dear is quite hungry...I saw her sneakin' your strawberries and cream, Gussie! We have all things crossed including our minces which is making Scruffy see double. But for Scruffy, that's not totally unusual...


Lacie and the Boyz

The World According to Garth Riley said...

we will definitely be thinking about Asta. Thanks for reminding us - I need to go visit her.


Duke said...

Our paws are crossed for Asta and we are sending her and her Mommi and Daddi tons of positive vibes!

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

Jake of Florida said...

Early morning love for our sweet girl!!!

Jake and JH

The Black and Tans. said...

We have been thinking of Asta a lot and keeping our 16 paws tightly crossed..... Probably why we keep falling over....

Molly, Taffy, Monty and Winnie

Asta said...

My sweetheawt Gussie
I'm getting all the love and good wishes coming acwoss the seas

I can hawdly wait to o to all the fun stuff at the ciwcus wif you. Mommi said as long as you make me west in between , I can go. I will make suwe we have ouw pictoowe fwom the Funhouse miwwow fow you
Soochie kisses my sweet Valentine
Love fuwwevew

Little Reufus said...

Lubbs teu yeu all. Yeu are in our foughts and brayers...

Little Reufus

kirbysdawgblog said...

What a great friend you are to be thinking of Asta and rmeinding everyone else to have her in our thoughts. Cute as ever Gus!

Asta said...

My dawling Gussie
I will be waiting fow you while Muzzew goes to St Loolis, we will snuggle and play and eat lots of that "langos"
Smoochie kisses

FiveSibesMom said...

Thinking of you and hoping all is well. Paws all crossed over here (and that's five sets of them!)

Little Reufus said...

O fur sure..., Miss Asta iss in our brayers. Our baws are crossed and whee are sending our lubbs her way... yeurs, teu!!!

wif lubbs from Little Reufus

Duke said...

We made our blog book at: http://blog2print.sharedbook.com/blogworld/printmyblog/index.html

Hope this helps.

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

Asta said...

Dawling Gussie and Teka
I hope you awe having mowe spwing than I am and some lovely walks..I'm glad you got to see me p;aying wif Daddi..I know it's not a vewy tewwiew thing, but I do love to play fetch, but of couwse not neewly as much as snuggling wif my Gussiekins.
I hope yoow pootew keeps behaving
smoochie kisses
yoow Asta

asta said...

My dawling Gussikins
I wish you and Muzzew wewe hewe smelling the spwing fwagwances wif me
Smoochiest of kisses

Online PhD Degrees by Shaz said...

Oh my goodness what happened? I think I missed a lot lately. Don’t you worry Asta, my prayers are with you that you’ll have a successful operation and recover from it soon. I believe it really requires tremendous paw power for this. I hope likewise the doctor would be nice too. God Bless!

Shaz from Online PhD UK Programs