17 January 2014

Merry Christmas Teka!

Teka Got this new bed for Christmas!
But she hasn't gotten into it, until TONIGHT
 Muzzer was a bit bummed....
because she thought this would be perfect for the little sprout!

 Teka always likes to be UNDER the 
duvet and blankies on the big bed.
Doesn't matter how cold it is or
how warm it might be!
So you see how perfect this bed is?
We are very happy that we forgot to 
move it off the bigger dog bed when the rugs 
got vacuumed.   We think it was quite serendipitous.
We will update with any further developments.


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Such an innocent terror!


Asta said...

Finally, whew..Muzzew must be happy that Teka finally noticed what a fabooloos cozy bed she got..it's like hew vewy own soft castle..hope she stays and lets you get sum peace, hehehe
Smoochie kisses
Yoow Asta

Duke said...

You are one lucky girl, Teka! You will be warm and toasty all winter and never feel a draft!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

We had to prove we were not ROBOTS in order to comment.. hehehehe
We think that Teka wanted to save the bestest fur LAST... Glad that she likes the new bed.

Dexter said...

Well, it is a bit odd looking. I suspect Teka was being cautious about investing in it before figuring out that it was some sort of portal to an alternate universe.


Kari in Alaska said...

What a great bed!

Stop on by for a visit

Andrea said...

We got one of those for our burrowers...they all squashed it flat and sat on top of it >:(

Shawna said...

She looks super cozy! I keep thinking I need to get one of these for my puppers :)

Chloe Smith said...

What a cute bed for your dog! I'm gonna get my dog one of these!

Duke said...

Happy Birthday, Gussie! We hope you're having an awesome day!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Fred said...

Very nice! I never sleep on my beds unless I want to...clever Teka.

World of Animals, Inc said...

Teka the new bed you got for as a present looks so cool. It must feel so comfortable for some nice long naps. Thanks for sharing the photos. Have a wonderful day.
World of Animals