Our good pal Fred, the Bichon King invited me and Teka to be the PREMIER interviewees in his new project on his blog.
He asked us some pretty hard questions! We did our best to answer the questions and fill in a bit of a background. So, if you want to know how and when I started blogging, why I call Teka my nemesis, and where our name for the human female person who brings food (muzzer) came from, head right over to Fred's Blog and you can find out the answers to these and other most important questions!
That's http://bichonking.blogspot.com/ in case you missed the last two links!
Let's all support Fred in this effort. Remember he has a lot of females depending on him!
It was a great interview and we learned a couple of things that we didn't know! Nice job, Gussie and Teka!
Love ya lots♥j
Mitch and Molly
Thank you again!! The pleasure was all mine!
I shall go check it out!
Wirey love,
Just Harry
Super duper interview Gus. You guys get even more walks than I do!
Toodle pip!
My sweet Gusskins
I wead the intewview wif FwedI WAS THWILLED THAT HE PICKED YOU!
Ummm..up and downs? I have nvew vavewed in my love fow you my sweet.
I agwee wif Muzzew..dandee lyons awe gweat.
Pleez twll Teka, i am in a quandwy...all I have is my ola polka dots dwess ..Mommi told me she aways gots a new dwess fow Eastew, but she seems to have nglected that pawt of hew twadishun as faw as I'm concewned
Smoochie lisss
Yoow Asta
Great interview Gus! Where are you now??
BabyRD & Hootie
My Dawling Gussiekins
Sank you fow the Fathew's Day wishes fow Daddi and you know I send them wight back wif love to yoow Daddi the pwofessow
Smoochie kisses to you and Teka(but the soopew speshul ones awe fow YOU alone my lovepup
My daing Gussie
Poow Muzzew nevew evew gets yo stay home..DeeCee, StLoolis, how can yoo stand it my poow daeling? I'm so happy you came to swim wif me fow at least a day..i so wish you coold cum wif muzzew and atay weeks and weeks..if you need me to cum pwotect you fwom being dwiven cwazy by Teka, just let me know
Smoochie kisses yoow Asta fuwwevew
You guys won the pawmat! yippeeeeeeee!!!! We are thrilled that randomizer chose your names, Gussie and Teka ☺
Please send us your address, okay. We'll mail your pawmat out on Monday.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly
Here ya go, Muzzer but we're telling ya that Gussie and Teka won't like it!
Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly
Thanks for reading and commenting on my FF blog, much appreciated. Hope all is well with you and yours. I miss the DWB days :)
J x
Oh I would love to read it, but we can't access the blog post. :-(
Great job on the interview and thanks for the link!
Abby Lab
We popped across as we saw you had commented on another blog. Just wondered if you had posted again.
We miss our old pals from DWB.
Thanks for the share, love reading your blog!
We can't get into Fred's blog anymore since we were hibernating so long. Can you ask him to visit us and maybe let us in again?
Our dad sez that there is a common crossword puzzle for a four letter answer to clues like: movie terrier, filmdom canine, detective terrier, etc. He sez that GUS only has 3 letters but TEKA has 4 and might fit. Any hints?
Our hearts break for Muzzer and your dad and Teka. We will never forget you, Gussie. Godspeed♥
There are no JRT sneakers, Teka :-(
Yes, we have a lease and our landlady tells us that it will be honored. The lease is up at the end of February.
Great interview Gus - well done!!!
And how exciting that you got to be one of the first on his new project!
Lots of licks, your good friend Morrie :)
Hiya! Just making the rounds to a bunch of different pet blogs to see if anyone would like to have their blog listed in my pet directory! Don't need to reply (or even approve this comment!) if you're interested just submit your webpage here: https://supawstars.com/pet-directory/
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