Last night me n' Teka were playing quietly in Dad's work room.
Then muzzer came home. And she had this big box with her.
And me n' Teka said...."Hey...There is a picture on that box of Snowball, or maybe Bailey or some other doggie that looks like them. Did muzzer bring us a new playpal? Or did Snowball come to visit?"
But NOOOOO. Inside the big box with the pretty puppy picture was a strange machine. I, Gus Dagger wft knew immediately what it was! It was a floor beater and carpet screamer! But it is sooo big. Our Noni brings hers with her when she comes to clean. It is smaller and has roll-ey feet on it, so it is kinda fun to chase around the floor. This one is way taller. Almost as tall as muzzer! And it does not look like fun at all.

It has as sign on it's belly that says "Made for Homes wit Pets" Oh my.
And another sign that says "Works like a Magnet on Pet Hair" Oh. Goodness.
Is this a new type of Gussie cleaner? Is the Damnable Diet not enough torture?
Teka, hurry and pack your suitcase. Then this little piece of yellow paper floated to the floor!
Ahhhh. Relief. This IS a floor beater and carpet screamer! See. It even says right there on the yellow paper that is should not be used on pets. Me n' Teka are very happy. Together, we can beat any carpet screamer. We will make sure that it stays in the storage room with the carpet screamer that Teka broke all by herself. We will only let it out once in a while so we can have fun chasing it. We will not let it interfere with our doggy fun. We can relax and have a happy Sunday. We hope all of our bloggie friends do the same.
we are having fun over here in our part of the valley. we were outside this morning but now we are just inside watching the dbacks.
we are lucky to not have too much carpet in our house so the carpet beater stays in the closet a lot.
We don't have much carpet here in our house and J1 is a bit of a stranger to the hoover!! J x
That would be another mean machine that I would have to terrorize if he lived at my house! I'm glad he's at your house!
Love ya lots,
This post contains far too many pictures of the vacuum and not enough of Gus and Teka.
Less vacuums; more terriers.
Hi Gussie, we don't have carpets at home too. The last time jie jie bought me a carpet from Ikea so that I can walk better without slipping all the time, her room got infested with bed bugs... It was an aweful experience and we have diecarded the carpet. I hope this vacuum makes cleaning easier for muzzer.
That is one interesting looking carpet machine! We're good and we don't chase it. In fact our problem is that the ma ape has to BUMP us with it to get us to move when she is beating the carpet.
ps. My ma ape is SO BORING and wants to know "how well does it work." she's obsessed with these things because she's SO unappreciative of the hard work we do decorating with our fur.
Hey Gussie! My Mom has one of those too. How does your Mom like it? We've been pretty happy with it.
Sherman, Penny & Lola
That looks like a very killer machine. Hope you give it hell!! :-)
I make it very difficult for my mom to vacuum by chasing around the floor attachment while she's moving it back and forth. It's a great game and I act all crazy, barking and growling with it in my mouth. :)
Newfie kisses,
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