OK, me and muzzer have been trying all day to come up with a campaign song! But, given recent choices by prominent public figures, I've been a little concerned. Being a scholar, I Googled "campaign songs" and have spent a significant portion of the day reading about the songs used by presidential campaigns since George Washington and Thomas Jefferson were running for office. Lots of presidents have used a variation on the tune of Yankee Doodle, and we played around with that one for a while:
Gussie Dagger is our man
He is not a phony
He and muzzer write his blog
And both love Macaroni!
After that, we found out that "O Susannah!" was pretty popular for campaigners. And we played around with that one, and came up with:
Gussie Dagger! He writes a decent blog
But it's not really awesome
'Cause he's never et a frog!
And, I tried to tell muzzer that the primary purpose of this song is so that doggies who blog will vote for me, and I thought we shouldn't tell them it isn't really awesome. And anyway, some days it is. Kind of.
Alfred E. Smith used the tune to "Sidewalks of New York" for his campaign tune, and that was a tough one....the best we came up with was:
Gussie, Gussie, he's my favorite dog
He writes pretty good couplets
On his truly Awesome Blog.
Now, I did not think that muzzer could top that one without going outside the country for inspiration. I was thinking along the lines of Ye friends of Gussie get to vo-o-ting! or maybe
Gussie's Blog oh Gussie's Blog, your prose is exacting. Your rhyming skills and sarcasm, for me can be distracting.
But, muzzer is pretty stubborn. And since we are in St. Loulis on vacation, and Mr. Truman was from Missouri, and he is the first president muzzer remembers (truly, she does!) she came up with this one:
I'm Just Wild about Gussie
and Gussie's wild about me
He writes poems
and his photos
Fill me with Ecstasy!
His is blog is like carob candy
and frosty paws in a cone
Oh! I'm just wild about Gussie
And Gussie's wild about, cannot do without
my vote on DWB!
So, those are our humble efforts. We do, however, have one campaign song based on a (University) spirit song that we offer in honor of his sister E.Rabbit.
Go with Gus! makes me hum along
To this silly old Minnesota song
Go with Gus makes me hum along
So rah rah rah for Gussie D.
Rah Rah Gussie D, Rah Rah for Gussie D.
I don't know how anyone else can possibly get the votes after this..HURRAH FOR GUSSIE! You and Muzzer are twuly pawsome and so is your blog!!!!!I was gigling and dancing to the tunes(mostly wiggling on my back..but it was with good rhythm)
good luck! wish you were wunning for [wesident!
smoochie kisses,Asta
pee ess. gussie I love your Logo!
(did you have some of the yummy quiche?
Hi Gussie,
Here's our unsolicited opinion: Given that you are in Missouri. Given that our Mom too remembers Mr. Truman. Given that "I'm Just Wild about Gussie" captures your essential "Gussiness," and is very singable. Given that it has that great finale -- We think you should go with that as your campaign song.
Awesome blinky too. We had something like that on a terrier site and it's way cool.
Good luck pal!!
Jake and Just Harry
You've got my vote! J x
Hi Gussie,
Gee, we remembered how to vote and the deed is done. Looks like you are the front runner!!
Jake and JH
Well,We think you seriously should consider notifying the Presidential canditates to work for them Gus.You have it in you!!! We think that is what's the problem.. they need us to run their campaigns( and perhaps to be President!) We can see it now....President Gus with his cabinet of Ms Asta as Secretary of State, Ms Agatha as Sec of Defense,Master Arch as Ambassador to England,ect ect!!!! Love Agatha and Archie PS.Why am I only an Ambassador???? archie
You should have entered Hillary's song contest! Your skills are definitely superior to Celine Dion's!
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