Yesterday my muzzer left BEFORE dinner and said: "You and Teka be good, and I will bring back a surprise!"
So, we were good (sort of ) and when she got back AFTER dinner she did have a surprise. She found DAD! He has been missing for a long time...well, more than a week anyway, and she found him at the airport.
So, Me n Teka decided to help him unpack so he wouldn't leave again.
He was in England and Scotland, and we were hoping maybe he brought Jackson home with him, or maybe Marvin.
Nope: No Jackson, no Marvin...not even any haggis. Boy, Dad is not much fun. You'd think he worked all the time he was gone or something.
So, since there really wasn't much of any interest in his suitcase, we decided we would just have a bit of a romp on the big bed. That was great fun, and just so you all know that SOMETIMES I am the winner, here I am with Teka in a good neckbite. Silly muzzer gets a bit upset when we romp like this, but it is usually all in good clean fun. This all came to a rather abrupt end when we tumbled right off the side of the bed. Muzzer apologizes for the lack of a photo of that event, but she was laughing so hard she couldn't find the button on the camera!
Hi Gussie, We're tickled your Dad is back -- we know how happy we are when our Dogdad comes home -- even if it's just been a few hours. And yours was gone for a lot longer and a lot farther.
So now it's packing time!! Make sure your camera has lots of memory so you can catch all the fun things that happen on your trip!! Mom and Dad and us dawgs will be living VICARIOUSLY through your adventures (Mom told me to use that really big word. She said it means what a kick we all get by reading each other's blogs.)
Lots of woofs,wags, and GO CARDS!!!
Jake and Just Harry
How nice to have your dad home! Did you guys celebrate with pizza and ice cream?
Love ya lots,
You should send your dad straight to the toy store to get you something. HOw dare he!
Hi Gus!
Glad your dad made it home safely from the UK. When is your big adventure to St. Louis?
Your friend, Lenny
I sure am glad you guys found your dad! MOm is going to that airport place in a couple of weeks to find her sister!
Glad you dad is back, maybe next time he'll take you with him to meet Jackson or Marvin!
Your pal, Mackie
PS- my mom nevers gets those good shots of me when I'm playing with Finnegan and am winning...sigh...
So glad you found your Dad...that was terrible that he was lost at the airport all by himself!
Stay cool! Lots of Licks, Ruby
G'day Gussie,
Happy 4th of July. I'm glad you got your dad back. Mum will be home in 2 1/2 weeks!
xxx Asta down under
glad he is home!!!! I hope he plays with you lots!!!! Happy 4th!! Archie and Agatha
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