12 hours from now! Give or take a minute or two.
Me and Dad and muzzer will pile into the white Gussiemobile
and point the nose EAST. We will be on our way to St. Loulis!
I will be good about blogging. I promise to tell you more than you
really want to know about my adventures. I will make sure
muzzer takes lots of pictures. I may even write a parody or two!
We are looking forward to sharing this trip with all of you, the ones
we can stop and see along the way, and the ones we can visit only in their blogs. We are leaving Joe Stains and Tanner in charge of Tempe and Scottsdale. They must take care that Teka does not usurp the city government and incite riots in the streets. In fact, all of you doggies take care of your people and report in regularly!
We won't make it to New York this time, but we will keep planting good
thoughts in muzzer's brain. We won't make it to England, France or Switzerland either...at least not on this trip. But I will hope.
I'm going to go now and start putting things into my black travel bag. Have a safe and happy fourth of July, and if you are scared of the fireworks, just find a safe human lap to rest on, close your eyes, and pretend the lights are from the stars.
See you soonest!
HiGussie, the day for the trip is funally here. You have a safe trip and make sure you don't disturb your Muzzer or dad when they are driving.
When are you dropping by Singapore? I sure hope that we could meet some day.
Have a nice trip ! Be careful.....
Kiss, Faya
have a Great Adventure and be sure to tell us all about it!!!
Oh and congrats on the Featured Blog award!!!
I'm so excited for you Gussie! Adventures are always such fun!
Happy 4th!
Drive safe!
Love ya lots,
if not england, france or switzerland, will you come to singapore?
drive carefully, Gus!
Enjoy your 4th and your trip. We hope both are terrierific and loads of fun. Maybe you'll get lucky and have some BBQ.
Ozzy & Romeo
Once you get to St. Louis, it's only another 17 hours or so to South Floribunda!!!
Next time, OK?
Have a safe, fun trip!!
Tomorrow we're off to Dr. Dan's for the weekend 'cause Mom and Dad are driving to Sarasota (just 3 hours)for son's wedding on Saturday. The wedding would be so much more fun if we were there, but you know the drill, Gussie; sometimes those two-pawed make silly decisions.
Jake and Just Harry
haf a happy happy dog ride-in-the-car! say hi to saint louis for me. i peed under the arch a long time ago... i wonder if you can still smell it? if not i will just haf to go pee there again!
luv ivy
G'day Gussie,
That looks like a gweat woad twip. I've nevew been to St Loulis. Happy 4th! When mum lived in the US she used to march with her last WFT in the Palisades pups in the local 4th of July Parade evwy year. Being an Aussie, I don't understand what all this 4th of July stuff is about but I love to pawty!
Mum hasn't been helping me blog much cause she's going to dig up old bones on Sunday, then she's coming home in just 16 days! On July 20 - I'm sooo excited, I could pee!
xxx Asta down under
oh dear we can't leave Tanner in charge of anything, but I will do my best to maintain our little part of maricopa county. If I see Teka wild in the streets I will let you know!
I am preparing for the town lake fireworks and I am NOT happy about it!
Have a wonderful safe trip!
Have a great trip, Gussie!
Have a snack at Steak and Shake for me.
Your friend, Lenny
Hey Gus, I noticed the picture of that book on your post. The man who wrote it lives in my town and I met him and his WFT 2 summers ago!
Your friend, Lenny
Happy trails Gus!
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