22 March 2008

Happy Vernal Equinox etc.

Happy Spring! Happy Easter! Happy Belated Vernal Equinox! Happy, Happy, Happy.

Except...I am one sad doggy!

I am Neglected.

I am Deprived.

I am Forsaken and Forlorn.

Muzzer is not working on my blog at all!

It is all the fault of this stoopid move that is coming up. Dad is changing jobs on or around June 1, and we are moving to Memphis sometime after July 15th. Lots of things are happening at our house, all of them resulting in less time for the DOG!

Oh, I get fed. I get walked! I go to work. I get scritches. I get FAR TO MANY baths and showers.

But I don't get muzzer to help me blog much at all.

Seems I have been living in a falling down hovel and I never even realized it. Every spare moment (and a few of them that belong to ME!) gets spent "getting the house ready to go on the market." We are pruning, we are planting, we are painting, we are pitching all kinds of interesting stuff into bags for Goodwill, or St. Vinnie's or the Assistance League. WE are even talking about discarding some dog toys! I am not entering into that discussion, and have buried several under what used to the the Lysalloma Bush before the Pruner Par Excellence got her hands on it!

Anyway, I want all my friends to know that it is not my fault that we are not blogging. It is not my fault that we are not on Sunday AM chat. It is not my fault that muzzer falls asleep every night before the 10:00 o'clock news. Please don't forget me, don't forsake me, don't refuse me your forgiveness if you think I am ignoring you. Muzzer assures me that we will be back with more of my adventures shortly after April 1.

OMD! That is April Fool's Day! Do you think she is fooling me? We will just have to see, right?

We will still be reading blogs and making our usual inane and non-relevant comments. I might even pen a few songs - mostly blues. So keep us in your thoughts as we "de-clutter."

We leave you with this very fine award that Lacie, Scruffy and Baby Stan awarded me!
I am a "Totally Hip Blogger!" Which is a great honor, and one I well deserve. If only I didn't think it is somehow related to the photo of me that muzzer posted a short while ago, which seems to be some kind of "in" joke with muzzer and Lacie's mom! Sheesh. Here I am - hoomiliated again!

I would like to pass this along to my new friend Pearl, Opal's new real (not wheelie) puggy who looks awesome in Pink!


Kyanite said...

Forget you!

Do take sometime off this weekend, easter egg eating has to be savoured not rushed.

Love, pats & pets

Dandy Duke said...

We would never ever forget you, Gussie! Don't worry! I bet Muzzer will be putting you to work soon packing up your stuff!

Happy Easter to all of you!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Faya said...

How could I ever forget you ? This is impossible... Never....
Kisses and Happy Easter, Faya

Harry said...

Happy Easter Gus. Sorry things are a little crazy at your house, we look forward to catching up with you when you are able to round up muzzer.

Toodle pip
Harry x

Harry said...

Happy Easter Gus. Sorry things are a little crazy at your house, we look forward to catching up with you when you are able to round up muzzer.

Toodle pip
Harry x

Asta Marie said...

It almost sounds like you are in the "Doghouse" but no, that couldn't be the case. Since you get walks and what is more important than walks? But I would have a little talk with Muzzer about the "BUTT SHOT"....kind of embarrassing, ain't it? Nice and fuzzy, though, and cute too....oh, never mind.

Asta Marie

Koobuss said...

Oh, poor Gussie.

I am sorry to hear about all your problems. Moving alone and so far away yet, is enough of a headache, but the fact that Muzzer is leaving behind some dog toys, well that just breaks my heart. You poor guy. How awful! I see from your one photo that you must have just had one of you too many baths. You look so fuzzy and fluffy, just the way a guy wants to look. Right? You sure have a lot of troubles, Gus.

I will not forget you, my friend, Gussie. If you want to come and stay here with me, that would be fine. You could help me bark at the neighbors' kids. It's a tough job, but somebody's got to do it.

Good luck, Gussie. I will be thinking about you.

Love and Koobuss Kisses,

Jake of Florida said...

Hey Gussie,

Believe me, we understand!!! It was just today that Mom let us back on the chat and has promised that we can start to blog again. Humans do seem to have a perverse idea of what is important and what should be left to the dogs!!!

Moving is not an easy task though, so try to be understanding with your Mom and Dad -- and pretty soon everything will be back in order -- just in a new place.

I would put my paws down about those toys though -- unless you can extract a promise that none of your favorites will disappear and that for every one discarded, two new ones will appear in Memphis (environmentalists call that mitigation -- take a tip from them. It's the right thing to do!!! It's the ethical thing to do!!)

Lots of love in these stressful times,

Your pals,

Jake and Just Harry

Princess Patches said...

Gussie, we won't forget you! We know moving is no fun...at least our parents know...they moved 14 times in 15 years before they moved to Georgia. Now, they just PRETEND they are moving so they can get rid of some junk. They wait till we go outside and then throw out some of our toys when we aren't looking.

Poppy & Penny

wally said...

We need a union, man. My ape abandoned me all weekend! To go to California! It's just not right. And what's with throwing out the dog toys? Like they're really causing the clutter? (That's what I tell my ma ape every time she trips over another squeaky which is about every third step. I have a lot of toys).


Life with Ozzy said...

Hey Gussie,
Mom said she went to a Steak N Shake in Nashville this weekend and thought of you guys. We miss you and hope you're not too neglected.

(how come I didn't get any steak n shake?!)

Agatha and Archie said...

OK don't worry Gussie you are so forgiven you BUT.....put your toys up at the sale???????????????Unforgiveable..something must be done......Love A+A

Joe Stains said...

We will never and could never forget you! If you guys want to drive up 68th and just chuck some toys over the wall into the yard of the pea green house on the corner, PLEASE DO!

Patience-please said...

We LOVE you Gus, and Teka too. And we are very excited about you moving closer to Paducah!!! We were in Tennessee on Saturday and Sunday, just to check it out for you, all of us! It is AOK!

Hang in there and it will be better soon. Promise!

wags from the whippets

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...


First of all, we missed you...I know you're movin' and all but what's with puttin' the house on top of a grocery store?? I mean you did say Muzzer was puttin' it "on the market?" Are you hungry? Do you need food...um..probably not.

Which leads me to the Hippy Award. It's not the size of your well caboose...nope...it means ur like a 60's hippy...like the peace sign...like wow man...long hair or in ur case fro....totally cool...like groovy!!!!

Thirdly, we can't wait for the auction to sell ur toys for charity!!!!!!

Muzzer could SELL ur toys...TO US! Let us know when pix are gonna be available on ur bloggie so we can bid and she can use the $$$ for underprivaledged (sp??) dogs or for food cuz of the whole market thing.

Why do you have to fix up ur house if it's just hungry??


fee said...

i must say that is the roundest bottom i've ever seen, gussie! and i totally understand and completely empathise with your predicament. it's been like that since x'mas for me. packing, more packing, meeting with architects and contractors to go through the renovation plans over and over and over again, and i just get to sit around and wait for someone to notice me.

one word of caution: they will very probably take the opportunity to get rid of "smelly"/"filthy" toys WITHOUT PERMISSION – you have to guard them well! i lost a few stuffies and balls when we moved!

i hope everything will go well for your family the next few months!


Stanley said...

Gussie Bo Bussie!

I'm with Wally, man! We need to form some sort of union. First my girl basically abandons me & my wee sissy for her so called thesis, then Muzzer neglects your blog and embarrasses you WITHOUT MERCY on your own blog, and then Wally's ma ape up & leaves him for THE WHOLE WEEKEND!

What is UP with these hoomans?!

I feel your pain, man.

Goober love & sympathetic smooches,

Stanley said...


Hey, this is Stanley's girl. I snuck onto the computer while he was logged in to tell you that I LOVE your fluffy booty photo. I feel like you put that on here just for me. Thanks, sweet boy.

Love & Atomic Booty Scritches,

William Tell said...

Poor Gussie! Moving is very hard on everyone in the family. We need our home, our routine, our ruts! I hope you get it all sorted out soon as you are settled in your new home.

They aren't giving away Teka, are they?

William Tell

COL. Sam ASTA-fari Joe H. Pinkerton Peabody, Esq said...

Hey Gussie,

Don't worry. We would never forget you. But, we understand being neglected and forgotten about. Our mom has been working very hard lately and since she works on the computer all day, we don't get much time to blog (only when she's asleep). So, listen pal, we totally understand. Just remember where you hid your very most favoritest toy!

The Brat Pack said...

No way could we forget you....but we do think you need to train her a bit better!

Tell Muzzer we can pack Walter in a box and send him to Memphis for her. :)


Snowball said...

Hi Gussie, I have not forgotten you too. Will you still get to go to work after you have shifted?


Jake of Florida said...

Just so you know pal, we check back every day too, just to get a look at your furry self!!!

Lots of wirey woofs. Ready for The Season???? Our guys have done pretty well in Spring Training, but we never got to see them. :(

Jake and JH

Commiserations from our Mom to your Muzzer!!

Asta said...

You poow sweetie
That is twuly awful..you awe numbew one!!! all the othew stuff is unimpowtant...I hope you manage to wescoo youw toys..it's bad enough that you have to move to a whole new place with diffewent smells and evewything, but to get wid of toys is just not faiw..tel youw Dad to thwow away his books instead, hehehe...I'm suwe they take up mowe space

don't let Muzzew wowk too hawd..make hew play!
smoochie kisses

Rudy said...

Hi Gus!

Yeah, my Mom gets so busy or tired too... she comes home from work so tired she doesn't want to help me blog or ANYTHING, like tonight. Friday night's like Blog Night for us, but not this time!

Sorry, we're not the Bedlingtons you used to see walking in Lexington; we don't know exactly who they are but there's some vet that has a Bedlington or two near there that we know. Mom likes her; a real country girl!!! She thinks the woman lives in Stuarts Draft (??), is that near there?
We live up in northern VA about 20 miles NW of D.C.

Good luck with the moving thing; Mom used to move a lot as a kid but refuses to do THAT anymore so I've been in this house all my life. Good thing she likes this house!


Peanut said...

your mom should realize your blog is more important then some old house.

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Hey Gus, don't worry, we'll still be here waiting for our Gusupdates. J x

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Hey Sweet Gussie!!!

Miss ya guy!

We know ur mom is busy...she'll make it up to ya in treaties!

We'll be patiently awaiting our Gussie fix!

Lakie love and kissies,

Jessie, Jake and Lola said...

Nice site - we hope you had a good easter!