06 May 2008

Disobedient Muzzer

With apologies to A.A. Milne:

Gus, Gus, marvelous Dagger
Wonderful W.F.T
Took great care of his Muzzer
Since he was only three
Gus, Gus, said to his Muzzer
"Muzzer" he said, said he
"You must never go out of this Phoenix town
If you don't go out with me!"
Gus, Gus Dagger his muzzer
Packed up her suitcase brown
Gus, Gus Dagger his muzzer
flew right out of town
Gus, Gus Dagger his muzzer
Said to herself said she
"Why I can go out of this Phoenix town
And be back by half past three"
Gus' Father put up a notice
Gus, Gus Dagger his muzzer
Seems to have been mislayed!
Last seen boarding an Airplane
Quite of her own accord. She thought she could
Go out of this Phoenix town, Quite a Substantial Reward!"
Enough! Enough!
Muzzer has returned. She smells like Aunt Marie, and to my sniffy knowledge has not been consorting with strange dogs.
I am making her sleep in the spare bedroom until such time as she apologies with food.
I will post again after I am groomed and handsome.
For those who want the original version:
A. A. Milne - Disobedience

James James
Morrison Morrison
Weatherby George Dupree
Took great
Care of his Mother
Though he was only three.

James James
Said to his Mother,
"Mother," he said, said he;
"You must never go down to the end of the town, if
you don't go down with me."
James James
Morrison's Mother
Put on a golden gown,
James James
Morrison's Mother
Drove to the end of the town.
James James
Morrison's Mother
Said to herself, said she:
"I can get right down to the end of the town and be
back in time for tea."
King John
Put up a notice,
James James
Morrison Morrison
(Commonly known as Jim)
Told his
Other relations
Not to go blaming him.
James James
Said to his Mother,
"Mother," he said, said he,
"You must never go down to the end of the town with-
out consulting me."
James James
Morrison's Mother
Hasn't been heard of since.
King John
Said he was sorry,
So did the Queen and Prince.
King John
(Somebody told me)
Said to a man he knew:
"If people go down to the end of the town, well, what
can anyone do?"
(Now then, very softly)
J. J.
M. M.
W. G. du P.
Took great
C/o his M*****
Though he was only 3.
J. J.
Said to his M*****
"M*****," he said, said he:
you-don't-go-down-with ME!"


Asta said...

GussieThank you fow that..we Mommi nevew wead that to me yet and I love it and I love youw vewsion even mowe..Thank dogMuzzew is home..Huwwah!!!!
I can't wait to see youw cuwly cutie face!
I loved doing the walk..I hope they huwwy up and find a coowe..I'd walk awound the lake evewyday if they just would
smoochie kisses

Anonymous said...

What Muzzer did NOT mention is that I (e.beth) reminded her that she had referenced A.A. Milne when I retrieved her from the airport, and began reciting "Disobedience" to her and got many strange looks from passersby at the Sky Harbor baggage claim.


Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Hehehe! I think you deserve more snax for the mental torment you suffered while Muzzer went awol. J x

Cassidy said...

Aw,mummy is getting all nostalgic, she says she used to love that AA Milne poem as a little girl, though me prefers your version!

Thanks too for my poem about the show, me loves it.

Cassidy x

Duke said...

You simply amaze us, Gussy! You're such a talented guy!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Ahh Gussie...she's back...we knew she'd never abandon you for long...so ur gettin' groomed again??? Does that mean just a bathie or another fuzz butt shot???

Your poetry is unsurpassed, Gus!!!
So what's the day of the big move???? Mumsie's thinkin' of Muzzer...and hopin' she has her Valium ready!!!!!


Maya and Kena said...

Hi Gus!
We're glad your Muzzer is back! That was a cute poem! :D
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena

COL. Sam ASTA-fari Joe H. Pinkerton Peabody, Esq said...

Whew, glad you found Muzzer. ou should torment her for leaving you. Good thing you recited your version of the poem to her! (Your version is better). Muzzer should not go anywhere without you. Period.

Dewey Dewster said...

Gee Gus...we didn't know yer Muzzer was missin' til now..we're in the country with dialup and we can't see any blog on the dialup cause nothin loads......got Gram ta go ta the library today ta see if everythin' was OK in blogland...glad ta see Muzzer has been found...safe 'n sound too...that musta been scary....

Dewey Dewster in the country....

Joe Stains said...

What a great variation. Why in the heck did she leave without you, it really makes no sense! Did she have steak and shakes!?!?!!

Sarah K. said...

Gus, what a poet! You would make Shakespear Jealous! We addded a link to your blog so others can enjoy your creativity as well!

Princess Patches said...

Gussie, we're glad your muzzer made it home safely! Make her give you lots and lots of treats!

Poppy & Penny

Princess Patches said...

Gussie, we're glad your muzzer made it home safely! Make her give you lots and lots of treats!

Poppy & Penny

Jake of Florida said...

Gussie, You are so talented!!!

Mom loves A.A Milne, and knew that poem from when she was little. But Gus Gus Dagger is a wonderful new interpretation.

We're glad muzzer has been found. Can you put a bell around her neck or something so she won;t go wondering off again? Or a nice comfy harness?

Woofs pal,

Jake and Just Harry

Eric said...

Gus,I'm so glad muzzer is safe and well. Did you put her in the naughty corner for a while to teach her a lesson?

Your A A Milne poem was a hoot!!! How clever you and you Muzzer are. Mom loved the original poem too...

Now look after you Muzzer Gus, warn them at the airport to look out for her in case she tries that trick again.

Wiry wags, Eric

Stanley said...


I think A.A. Milne woud be proud. That is a very cool poem, and I too like your rendition of it even better.

With your work at the store, managing Teka Toy, and caring for your Muzzer and dad, how did you find the time to write?

Glad Muzzer is back where she belongs. Can't wait to see your groomed self (my girl MADE me say that).

Goober love,