With the exception of some pretty good news from Jackson's mom, I think I am not having a very good day. We were worried about Jackson because he wasn't feeling too well, but it seems that it may be some incompatible medicines that are causing most of the problems.
Then, my blog pal Abby was not feeling well yesterday and ended up at the vets. She is doing a little better, and gets to come home later today, but please go visit and tell her mom you are thinking of them. Moms and muzzers seem to have a hard time with sick doggies.
Then, my blog pal Abby was not feeling well yesterday and ended up at the vets. She is doing a little better, and gets to come home later today, but please go visit and tell her mom you are thinking of them. Moms and muzzers seem to have a hard time with sick doggies.
AND...when I woke up this morning I thought Rodney had come back to visit! Or at least a small part of him. And I got pretty excited. But muzzer had to go and freak out and take me to the vet again! And it wasn't Rodney. It was just some old fluid build up in the pocket where Rodney lived. Darn. But it was kind of amusing to watch muzzer during the process....
First of all, muzzer is not good with yucko stuff. Dad changed the diapers, cleaned up the barf, changed the bandages, and just generally gets to do this type of thing at our house. He says it isn't that he likes this kind of thing. It is just that he doesn't like having to come through a
nd clean up after muzzer too.

So, today it turned out that the vet was crowded in the back because they have, like, FIFTY evacuee animals that they are boarding! So the vet just called in the tech person and they lanced the two holes where the drains were. And it went WHOOSH! And I said "yike"
And I heard muzzer make a funny sound, and then there was a thump from behin
d me! Let me tell you, the vet was not happy with muzzer. But then, muzzer was not happy with the vet when they finally got her off the floor.

And so now, we have to keep those drain holes working for a while again. And muzzer is bummed, because she is really bad at this (see my notes above) and they are supposed to use some funny looking thing to wash out the holes. Oh, I am really getting anxious to see what dad makes of this whole thing.
We might blog tomorrow.
pee ess...except for being a bit disappointed that it wasn't Rodney, I feel fine just fine, thank you.
Oh my dog Gussie! Did they give Muzzer smelling salts?? Everydoggie needs to get better. Like you said, not just for the doggies,we DO want them healthy, but the Muzzers suffer bucketloads to. Must be in Muzzer DNA to have the gene for "worry". We all seem to be afflicted with it!
So evrydoggy,GET BETTER!! and Gussie, that means you too!
w00f's Gussie, me iz sorry u had to haf more ouchies...me hopes it gotdid fixed now...and ur muzzer and my mama must b kindred spirits...long time ago, b4 me, mama and daddy had a pup named jojo..well mama had to take him for his heartworm check and she had workdid the late shift...they started drawin blood, mama passed out and jojo went runnin..when mama came to, the receptionest had jojo under her arm, and he wuz a groupy little dog....and mama dont pick up throw up either, or daddy wood b cleaning up after 2...
b safe,
Goodness me Gussy, that all sounds kind of shocking! Mum says no wonder Muzzer went *thump* she thinks she would have too!
I'm glad to hear that you are feeling fine and great news about Jackson too hopefully he will perk up now. I will sniff on over to Abby's place and sprinkle some rottie smooches
Ben xxx
Oh no, Gus! Poor you and poor Muzzer! What a shame we don't live closer cos J1 is good at the gruesome stuff. J2 would have fainted at the mere THOUGHT of it all, hehehe. Can we see photos of the neck draining holes cleaning contraption please? And more photos of you, of course! Missing your fuzzy face! Jx
Wow you awe a bwave one, but poow Muzzew..Next time call my Mommi ..she can go wif you(of couwse I hope thewe is no next time), but if thewe is..she's weiwd all that stuff doesn't bofew hew at all..I guess it's all those yeaws being up to hew elbows in blodd and spit and stuff when she was a hygienist(yuck!!!)..she hated the job, but nevew got weiwded out fwom the gunk.
I'm glad you'we OK but if you need me to come swab you down ow anything , just bawk
smoochie kisses
Whoosh! Yike! Thump!
Gussie, you and your pretty nursie take care of your new 2 drained holes or whatever that is, I come right over to do some gait & balance strengthening and emotion control for muzzer.
Our muzzers have to stay well to keep blog rolling!
So tell me, Gussie, is that a photo of the blood splatter on the vet's office wall? If so, VERY COOL. (And, who did you get to take the photo?)
Your vet techs are a little slow on the uptake, I'm thinking. They should have taken a photo of Muzzer FIRST, THEN gotten her up on her feet. Sheesh. Another missed opportunity.
Sorry Rodney didn't get to come back to at least say hi, but I think he sent some old friends to do it for him.
Goober love & smooches,
Hi, Gus!
I hope you and Muzzer are doing well.
And all our friends too!
Kisses and hugs
Trips ta the vet are becoming the norm fer us all lately....we all coulda been much happier not visitin' the one we saw lately.....glad yer problem was not another Rodney.....Gram couldn't believe she wasn't sick when we were at the vets this time..she took all the pictures....'n Pap was the one who cleaned up the gory stuff when the babies were around...don't know what happened since then but Gram has changed....hope all us doggies are feelin' peppy soon....
Dewey Dewster here....
I am happy you are fine.....but what about your Muzzer ? Is she ok ? I hope she didn't hurt herself...
Kisses, Faya
OMDOG sorry that we are laughing at Muzzer, but we are :( :)
Oh dear.....
Poor Gussie :(
and Poor Muzzer :(
Thinking of you both.
Gross! Mummy says she would have been fainting on the floor too!
Cassidy x
Hi, Gus...
Oh My...I'm glad you are feeling better & I hope your Mom is OK...
I'm doing much better today...I'm still not myself, but I think I'm gonna be OK...
Thanks for all the good wishes even while you weren't feeling well either...
Abby xxxooo
Oh NO!! Gussie...ya HAVE TO TAKE SMELLIN' SALTS WITH YOU WHEN YOU GO TO THE VETTIES!!! Oh my...I just knew it...Asta and Aggie have me scrubbin' floors at Jackson's when I coulda gone with you and witnessed Muzzer doin' a face plant!!!!!
The boyz are SO EXCITED that you have HOLES IN UR NECK...
I told them they were stoopid...but they insist! Ya better check Muzzer's neck...Scruffy sez they coulda got her when she was un con chiss!!!!!
Oh my...I missed all the excitement!!!
Love ya lots and kissies to Muzzer...did she smack her head? Mumsie sez a lot of people need stitches when they pass out in her unit..hard floors?
Gee Gussie,
We don't check in for a few hours and look what happens!!!
We hope things are under control again. That the Bring Rodney Back Campaign has been defeated. That muzzer is upright again. That Dad has taken charge of the drainage system. And that you are doing what all good terriers do: barking orders to everyone.
Wirey love,
Jake and Just Harry
Oh NO @@ Gussie! Your poor Muzzer fainted? You tell her not to feel bad, because our servant who is an RN AND who worked in the OR up to her elbows in human's bellies and worse all the time, SHE fainted once when Mama Pajama was so sick and Ol' Poke n Stick was doing something nasty to our sweet little Mama Peejamas.
You get better very quickly and no more visits from Rodney Imposter no no no no...
wags from the whippets
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