31 May 2012

Adventures in "the 'Hood"

 Today, me and Teka decided that we would
keep our "adventure" close to home.
So,,,,,This is our house in Richmond VA.
(for earlier houses, check prior posts!)
 And this is the park right across the street.
It is small, but very pretty.
This weekend we will be right at the center
of the excitement.  The Greek Festival 
takes place just about a block away 
from our house.  This "hood" smells
wonderful...starting about 3:00 pm
this afternoon!  
If you are coming
to the festival, and need a place to 
park, we have room for two cars
(if they are friendly) in our driveway.  
Let us know if you are coming.  
Otherwise, we will have you towed!

 We are also close enough to these places to 
walk to them, even though we will not do that 
today.  That is my dad's head next to the sign, 
so you can see that the bottom of the sign is
about 7 ft. from the ground.
 On the South side of Cary St, but "North of the James"
is a wonderful neighborhood called "Windsor Farms"
We like to walk there because it is shaded, and because 
we kind of snicker when the muzzer gets excited about
a nice house or garden.  We are simple dogs and
it doesn't take much to amuse us.
 This is a pillar at one of the entrances.
 This is a reallly big magnolia tree.
 And this is one of "those" houses that makes muzzer 
so happy.
 And this is me, needing a haircut.   But I can still make 
muzzer smile.

 All of the sidewalks in this neighborhood are
made of hand laid brick.   Most of them are
well maintained.
 But some of them are not well cared for.  This is
one of the reasons muzzer grumbles until she sees 
a neat house.   Bricks that are heeding nature's message
to get out of the way make her trip, then she curses, and
sometimes she falls.   To avoid this, we make her
wear really dorky shoes.  It helps a little bit.
 This is another house that she likes.

 And another house!
 With a truly lovely side yard and conservatory.
And a for sale sign!   Uh Oh!  Dad is in trouble fer sure, 
fer sure.   Actually, we hope that you all will fall in
love with our "hood" and buy this so that we can
be your neighbors.  Mr. Rogers Reigns.

Gussie n Teka


Remington said...

I like your house and your neighborhood! Maybe I should buy that house instead of the one in WI....I don't think the Packers would be very happy....

Duke said...

Your neighborhood sure is beautiful, Gussie! We'd sure love to go along with you to your Greek Festival!

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

The World According to Garth Riley said...

My parents love driving through Windsor Farms and looking at the houses -- we should try walking there too! (Mom and dad are the same way about houses and gardens as your Muzzer. But that's okay, it gives me more time to sniff while she admires the houses.) Dad LOVES the Greek Festival and thinks you are lucky to be perfectly located for the festival. Mom doesn't really like Greek food, though, so dad usually does the Greek Festival drive through. (Most of his meals this weekend will likely come from the Greek Fest drive through.) Hope you enjoy it!

Asta said...

My Dawlingest Gussie
I loved seeing yoow hood..it's vewy bootiful and histowical and we love it and I fow one, would love to have the gween papews so I could live in one of them wight next to you, so I could snuggle you evewy day and play chasey chase wif Teka and Mommi coold have tea wif Muzzew, Ahhhh, dweeems..anyway sweet Gussiekins, I think you look pawfect as yoo awe, no haiwcut needed..i'd like to wun my paw thwoo yoow cuwls
smoochie kisses
yoow Asta

Unknown said...

Oh Gussie & Teka - I would LOVE to visit you and come to the Greek festival!! Sigh. If only I didn't live on the other side of the world, several oceans away! :-)

And my humans, Hsin-Yi, can totally relate to oohing & aahing over beautiful old houses - she does that all the time too! :-)

Honey the Great Dane

Koobuss said...

Lovely neighborhood. My mom likes those houses, too. But we're too late for the Open House. Guess we'll just stay here.

Love and Lots of Koobuss Kisses,

Kari in Alaska said...

what a nice hood

Stop on by for a visit

Anonymous said...

I showed this to my mom and she DID fall in luvs with your hood. I told her that house prolly wasn't any more than like, 10 green papers, right? So we should be moved in by next week!

Wiggles & Wags,

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

I would LOVE to strut my FT 'round your 'hood!


The Thuglets said...

Thanks for the stroll around the hood. Some pretty impressive pads!

Have a great weekend
Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx

The World According to Garth Riley said...

Hi Gussie and Teka,

I really enjoy your blog, so I have awarded you the Sunshine Award!

I know your staff may have other projects to work on, so no offense is taken if you don't have time to pass it on.

your pal,

Unknown said...

that was a great adventure and I'm sure that you really enjoyed riding on the boat.

Dog Shock Collar | Puppy Bond

Little Reufus said...

What a berry fun adbenchewer teu take a walky wif yeu in yeur hood. Iff I habbs the green papers, I wood habbily moob in teu yeur hood... butt fur now I whill be habby teu ready yeur fun bloggy!!!

wif lubbs from Little Reufus

World of Animals, Inc said...

What a nice neighborhood you have there. Looks like a great place for some fun walkies. Some of those houses are really big and beautiful. Thanks for sharing. Have a wonderful weekend.
World of Animals