16 May 2012

Walkin' on Wednesday

 So our adventure this week was on Wednesday
And we went over to Byrd Park to walk the
Dogwood  Dell Trail
 Dad and Teka took off down the trail.  
This is truly an urban park, there is city
all around it.  But it is hard to tell that here.
 Ummm....wait up guys. 
I want to go this way.
 Lots of places where you could see
this cute little stream
 And one place where me and Teka
decided to get up close and personal.
 Teka was gonna go wading again
 And I was just sniffing when I got water in my nose!
 Ummm...does this bridge make my butt look big?
 So then Dad spotted this place off to one side of the 
road/trail.  And we decided to explore some.

Muzzer was not happy about the warning sign that 
was talking about things like snakes, and sheer rock 
face walls, etc. 

We all reminded her this was supposed to be an
And she agreed to go just a little way down the trail.
 Boy, was she glad she did.  We saw these growing on a 
fallen tree trunk.
 I got to sniff some more flowers.
And we saw this neat building.
It used to be part of the water pumping system
for the city of Richmond.  And once upon 
a time, they used the top floor as a dance 
hall!   Now it is just abandoned looking, 
but still has good bones and lots of class.
Just like a lot of Southern Ladies we know.



Duke said...

Now that looks like a fun adventure! Our mom would be all nutty about spotting some mushrooms too, Gussie!

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

The World According to Garth Riley said...

Gussie and Teka! You are turning into Adventure Dogs!!! I'm so glad you got to go on another hike! We've seen deer in the woods behind Dogwood Dell, so it's wilder than you would think! In fact we saw one big scary deer who didn't even run away -- I was barking my head off and he just stood there and looked at me. Mom is glad you got to see the Pump House. It's one of her favorite buildings in the city. Every once in a while they have tours, and mom says it's really interesting inside, especially the top floor/dance hall. People have tried to fix it up but they haven't had the funding to do much. We would love to see it restored someday. So glad you are having adventures!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Wow, we are so impressed with the great trips you all are going on. We would love to do that too.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

What a great hike!

Of khourse, a certain LAKIE girrrrrl who shall go nameless would not have fit where your khute tush did -

Just sayin'

Thanks fur share RICHmond with us!


Unknown said...

You have a great hike on the trail with your dad, your place is really beautiful :D

Dog Shock Collar | Puppy & Human Bond

The Thuglets said...

Gussie..what a great adventure walk you had.
Thanks for sharing.

Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx

Fred said...

What a fun adventure!

Kari in Alaska said...

what a pretty walk

Stop on by for a visit

Asta said...

My sweet Gussiekins
It looks like you and Teka and Muzzew and Dad had a bootiful adventoowe. And NO, yoow but does not look big. It's pawfect. Thank dog you didn't fall in all that watew and saw that cool good-bones building
I wish I could have been wif yoo. Am having the six momf home-sick bloos
Smoochie kisses

Jake of Florida said...

What fun!!! All our parks are flat flat flat!!!

Wirey woofs,

Jake and Just Harry

Little Reufus said...

Whow!!! That whas a berry fun a venture! I speshully lubbed the part wif the waters and all so the bridge... And I deu naught know what it iss a bout the Moms wif the scaredyness and cawshun. Yeu wood fink they fink whee are prone to trouble and hurtedness or some fing. Shucks.

Fanks fur letting me go a long wif yeu. Now I say less ecksplore that big building!

wif lubbs from Little Reufus

Unknown said...

Wow, Gussie - that looked like an awesome walk! I love streams - that one looked lovely and clear, like the ones we had back in NZ - there aren't really many natural "streams in Oz - most of the "creeks" are brown & muddy and many of them are really just sewage canals! :-(

Gosh, if Paul saw that sign about snakes, he would have refused to go furhter! He is terrified of snakes...which is the complete opposite of Hsin-Yi, who loves them and always wants to hold them & touch them. She thinks they're beautiful. Sigh. My crazy humans...

Honey the Great Dane

Remington said...

That sounds like an awesome adventure, my friend!

World of Animals, Inc said...

It looks like you had a pawsome walk through the park. So many new smells and cool things to see. Thanks for sharing your fun adventure photos with us. Have a wonderful day.
World of Animals