Muzzer, on the other hand, has been polishing off her "ToDo" list. Unfortunately, one of the things at the top of the list was: Find a new Vet. And right below that: Take Gussie to meet Vet - Get Lump checked.
Now, I will admit that I have a bump on the side of my neck. My vet in Phoenix took some samples of the stuff inside it, and she said it was "fatty tissue" I know it is really muscle, and I am quite attached to it. The vet in Phoenix said it could stay with me until it got in the way, or until it started making it hard to breathe. There was also the option of "removing" it while we were still in Phoenix, but muzzer opted out of that one.
Let me tell you, I was greatly relieved. I figured me and Rodney would hang around together forever. I'm no dummy. I know that when they "remove" something they use knives! And they give you some Anti Setic so you snooze through the whole thing, and when you wake up, some favorite pieces are missing. After all, I have just supported my pal Jackson
through his recent surgeries. And I am (ahem) neutered, and I remember that I didn't much like that process. Anyway, when muzzer got on the phone and made the appointment, I figured I would charm this lady vet too, and Rodney and I would have more time together.
Woops, wrong again. This sweet looking lady (she is no taller than muzzer) said I was overweight. That was the first thing. Then she and muzzer started considering options. To "remove" or not to "remove," that was the question. And I paced back and forth and barked at them, but they did not honor my opinions. muzzer, whom I diligently walk twice daily so she gets her exercise, whom I support by sleeping on HER side of the big bed, whom I protect, amuse and entertain...
my muzzer made an appointment for me to have my lump removed.
Boy...I better see some of those nursies when I get out of that Anti Setic stuff.
hint hint
Gus sorry about Rodney. That really sucks man
Our paws will be crossed for you on Nantucket, Gussie! We'll be taking our walkie down to Surfside beach at the 8AM hour and we'll be staring out across the great big ocean and wishing you well!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
We were wondering why we hadn't seen much more of you but fuzz in the last few days. Since both of us had Anti Setic when we had our teeth cleaned and JH had it before that when he had his puncture sewed up, we know that the only creature who it really affects is the MOM or in your case the MUZZER. So our suggestion is that you be really sweet to her because we imagine she will have leaky eye syndrome and all sorts of tummy knots at the thought of anyone daring to take a knife to you.
All will be well!!! And we will resume our barking for cause.
Love you lots,
Jake and Just Harry
oh my my myI have to get the team organized! WE will have to split shifts, and make more lavendar sheets and get more tea brewing..oh dear oh dear ohdear..where is Lacie now?? At Peteys?? Oh I have to go..Love Agatha PS OF COURSE we will be there(maybe even Ms Snickers will come and then you won;t care if we are there!!! )
Gussie..Gussie...I have my Meamphis bag packed...I think I'll come in on Monday around dinnertime to make sure that you have a healthy supper before your surgery. Perhaps a light snack at bedtime, too? need to be practicing you deep breathing exercises preop...we can work on that together.
Um...we have a choice here...I can put my basket right next to yours...or if you INSIST on sleepin' on Muzzer's bed...I'll be right there with ya. (Warning to Muzzer...the last time Lacie slept in a hooman bed, she peed in it.)
I will be accompanying you to the Vetties on Tuesday morning. I have already made arrangements to have the preop and post op areas set up to my specifications. Also...the Vettie who said ur overweight?? I presented her with a "sample" from Babystan...very large and very very fragrant. NO WAY are you going to reduce that fuzzy butt!!!
Now Gussie...I don't want you to be worrying about this at all...I will be providing Muzzer with a prescription strength calming smoothie...give Teka some of it...for you to inbibe in three times a day until Tues. I can guarantee you will not be worrying about a thing!
Need to get back to Jackson...gotta run...not supposed to be on the puter!
Love and kisses...Laciegirl
Oh My! It is gonna be crowded on the big bed on Monday night! We may have to send Teka and Dad to the guest bedroom. There is room for all of us, and muzzer says if anybody pees on the bed, it is OK cause she gots a waterproof matress cover for when she has hot flashes.
Hey, I am looking forward to Monday!
Hi, Gus!
I will have my paws crossed for you! I am sure everything will go well!
Kisses and hugs
I will keep my human toes crossed for you on Tuesday Gussie, and everything will be OK. Maybe the vet lady will let you take home Rodney in one of those big glass jars full of preservatives? Oh, be sure to remind Muzzer to text me how everything goes, OK?
oh dear, are you sure that doctor is a real doctor? She said you were overweight?? I doubt it! this all sounds suspicious to me!! either way we are sending healing vibes!
We'll be thinking of you on Tuesday. That new doctor is certainly not afraid to voice her opinion, eh?
Oh no my poor Gussie... I hope everything will be back to normal realy soon. Until then my paws are crossed...
Kisses, Faya
oh No Gussie! I am sure all will be ok what with all those *ahem* hot wirey nurses!
Did you know I never met a tumor named Rodney? Usually Fred or Bubba....
Paws crossed Gussie and Muzzer
Love Sunny,Scooter,Jamie(the humanbean who happens to be an RN if you get in a tight! :)
Dawling Gussie
I willbe thewe when you wake..wif soofing cloths to put on youw fuzzy bwow..I will snoopewvise Lacie(she's not always totally twustwowfy yet..but don't you wowwy..between youw twue love Snickers..Aggie and moi
you will be in loving ,soothing paws..and Muzzew will be happy in Lacie's smoothie daze
see you sweetie
smoochie kisses
Gussy, man, I'm sorry to hear about Rodney being taken away from you without your pawmission, how rude. I'm glad you barked at the nasty lady doctor and I'll be barking very loud and all the time for you. How can you be overweight you look the most handsome wiry to me plus you are a member of Jackson's exclusive club with responsibilities to uphold. Keep eating an take care. I'll be pulling for you and for Muzzer too.
Wiry wags, Eric x
Gussy, man, I'm sorry to hear about Rodney being taken away from you without your pawmission, how rude. I'm glad you barked at the nasty lady doctor and I'll be barking very loud and all the time for you. How can you be overweight you look the most handsome wiry to me plus you are a member of Jackson's exclusive club with responsibilities to uphold. Keep eating an take care. I'll be pulling for you and for Muzzer too.
Wiry wags, Eric x
Oh Gus! So sorry to hear that you and Rodney are to be parted! I'll be woof woofing for you next week and of course all the nurses will be there. Just don't rely on Lacie to make you a decent cup of tea. J x
Poor you Gussie!
Will be thginking of you!
I think that it's abominable that this new lady vet is telling you to end your relationship with Rodney! What did HE ever do to HER?! Do you think that maybe she is jealous of all the time you & he spend together, and she just wants you all to herself? (I bet that's it.)
Not only will we here in GooberStan be thinking about you, but we will be sending you healing goober smooches and lots of love Tuesday morning around 8 ayem. That's usually when we have our walks, so we'll send the Zen then!
Give some juicy smooches to Muzzer, although I'm a little peeved at her decision to put you under the knife.
Gooob love & smooches,
Gee willikers -- with all the nursies coming to take care of Gussie -- we still think muzzer could use some moral support from two boyz who have been there. While the nursies are making Gussie tea, and soothing his brow -- we think we'll just cuddle up and help muzzer relax.
Of course, knowing that such a bevy of beautiful wirey nurses will be there is a major attraction!!!
Woofs Gussie. We have to go vote on Tuesday in our local primaries, but we'll be there before you get out of surgery.
Lots of love brother wire,
Jake and Just Harry
We got your email Gussie. Of course the humanbean will be happy to come and support Muzzer. She was muttering something about alcohol. We're sure she meant rubbing alcohol. At least we think so.
I don't know if they'll let you keep Rodney in a bottle or not. If you don't think Muzzer will freak out, go for it! The least the vet lady can do is give Rodney back to you!
Tell Muzzer all 3 of us will come. Scooter wants to "help" the "hot babes". I always help my mum with everything. We'll be sure to stay in the background out of the way. Mum will help muzzer not worry with the rubbing alcohol (?)
Sunny, Scooter, Jamie(the humanbean)
Poor Gussie! We'll have our paws crossed for you! Poppy has one of those on her chest and we think her's is coming off soon too. At least that's what our mom says. Good luck with your surgery and tell Muzzer not to worry. (Like THAT might work!)
Poppy, Penny & Patches
OK, well first you obviously need a new vet because you are practically emaciated and I've been thinking about airlifting you foodstuffs, you're so obviously deprived. Bummer about Rodney. I've had quite a few benign fatty tumors removed (so many, in fact, that Benign Fatty Tumor is one of my nicknames). I hope it goes quickly and smoothly. Maybe they will let you carry Rodney around in a jar.
wally t.
I'm late to the news of Rodney's exorcism. Sorry to hear about the bitchy vet - how dare she tell you you are overweight. The nerve. Anyway, paws crossed for your surgery...did they say why Rodney had to go...will they be checking Rodney to see what he is made of? I hope all goes well. Will pray...And I will send over some marmite sandwhiches for post surgery snacking.
Love you,
Oh poor you Gus, you will be starved the morning of surgery and have a close friend removed. The upside of it all, of course, is you will have all those glamorous nursies tending to your every whim after the op.
Paws crossed all goes well for you.
Molly and Taffy
Maybe it's best to get Rodney off there before he turns ugly. You never know about those kind of bits. We hope all goes well at the new vet's place, too.
William Tell
We're sure sorry you have to have your lump removed. Fat Charlie has a lump named Paul Lip on his hiney hole. The vet said it could stay.
Swede William said he'd bring Lindy Loo down to be a nurse.
Maybe we should all come and help.
wags from the whippets
Oh no Gus that is terrible, but don't you worry, we'll have a special seat all set up for you and your cadre of nursies (since I know there will be many) on Aire Ruby. Let me know if there is anything else you might need, ok...oh and everything will be OK!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
Paws crossed for you on Tuesday Gussie.
Heya Gus,
We're The Bumpass Hounds and we want to wish you our best and let ya know that we're all in your corner rooting for ya. Jubal has had 3 "lumps" removed, only one was "bad" stuff and he's fine. Homer had a big "bad" lump taken out of his side and he's fine, Alex has had 2 lumps (cysts) removed and he's fine. Homer has 3 small "fatty" lumps that our vet tracks and checks each visit. All of us that have had feey lumps on our outside and had them removed are all doing great. It's only been the deep inside tumors that cause the big worries. We look forward to you complaining about getting "cut" NLT Wednesday night.
- Homer J. - Jubal - J.E.B. - Shelby - Jack - Abby - Max - Shiloh - Alex - Boru - Jenny = the Bumpass Hounds (
We have our paws crossed that all goes well for you Gus.
Noah Willow Tess Lucy
hey hey gussie! i am so sorry to hear that you haf to go to the V E T and leave Rodney behind. When you get home everyone will give you lots of cookies and kisses. My peepol and i send you lots of good thoughts and well wishes.
luv, ivy
Sorry to hear about Rodney, but have you ever seen the movie How to Get Ahead in Advertising? You might want to watch it during your convalescence.
Hope it all goes smoothly.
Paws crossed for you Gus!!!
Our paws are crossed for you, Gussie! We're thinking of you!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Hey Gussie...I just had some lumpies removed last week too & I'm doing much better...we are thinking of you...all paws crossed & pawsitive vibes sent your way!
Love & Licks,
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